GYm rules & policies
You must always reserve for Classes, and sign in when you arrive, or the coach can sign you in on arrival.
All Membership Hold requests must go through this link:
Late Cancellations
A late cancellation is defined as Cancellations within
12 hours of a class starting time for morning & Midday sessions
8 hours of a class starting time for evening sessions
Currently we are not counting this against your attendance limit, however, we do track these and will reach out if it is becoming an we see too many.
Our late cancellation policy is a courtesy to other Creature 2.0 Members, if you are not going to make it, we want you to cancel as early as possible to give other clients the opportunity to join the session.
No Shows
If you reserve for a session, but never sign in (turn up), this counts against your attendance limit for the month, as no body can take your session.
You can go on a waitlist for a class once full, even while reserved for another class
If someone cancels, the first person on the waitlist is automatically added and your reservation in the other class on that day is cancelled.
During the Late Cancellation window (see above) the athlete (first in line) will not be automatically added to a class. Instead, all athletes on the waitlist will be emailed about the last-minute opening and the first to reply get into the class.
Your Monthly Sessions
Regardless of your payment frequency. Your sessions are loaded on your account monthly, and expire at the end of the month.
Your month begins on your membership start date (ie billing date)
Each time you reserve a session, you will see at the top of the WODIFY app how many sessions you have used in your month so far.
COVID-safe Plan
Do NOT attend the gym if you are sick
Sanitise and temperature check upon entering
wipe down all your equipment