5 Healthy Breakfasts For Busy People
Breakfast can be one of the more challenging meals of the day, one of the reasons is time. Skipping breakfast can result in reaching for something unhealthy on the run or temptation for less than healthy treats in the office.
If you struggle for breakfast ideas or prep time, I thought I'd share my quick breakfast suggestions with you. As with most healthy habits, preparation is the key. Plan ahead, have all the ingredients in the fridge.
Monday- Mini Frittatas, pre-cook Mini Frittatas for a couple of days. Mini Frittatas
Tuesday- Breaky bowl, easy to prep, you can even chop up your veggies the night before or boil some eggs in advance. I will sometime even have some chicken in my bowl from last nights dinner. Breaky bowl
Wednesday- Buckwheat porridge, an alternative to oatmeal porridge, and for those who can't stomach eggs every day. Buckwheat porridge
Thursday- Banana pancake, super quick, one of my favourites. I like to add some almond butter and serve with Chobani greek yogurt. Banana Pancake
Friday- Smoothies, there are so many variations with what you can create. Throw in some fruit, veggies, protein powder, blend and you're good to go. The Fit Foodie has a tonne of ideas if you want variety. Smoothies
I'd love to hear how you go with this. Feel free to email me on katdalecki@creaturefitness.com.au