Training slumped? The hidden factor limiting your potential and how to fix it in 3 simple steps

Getting ‘hurt’ or ‘injured’ is a part of life.

Expecting to find an program, gym or exercise routine where you never get injured is a fantasy.

Even sitting gives you health problems.

Accepting injury as a part of life increases your resilience.
If you are resilient.

Injuries become a detour not a roadblock.
You will always make progress. Literally nothing will stop you. Seriously.

You should know…

There are two types of injuries.
Chronic and Acute.

In gyms across the world chronic injuries are more common than acute injuries.

Chronic pain comes from poor movement patterns, muscle dysfunction and lack of proper recovery.

Acute injury can strike unexpectedly.

Tripping on a box breaking your wrist, rolling your ankle on a run or dropping a weight on your foot.

Both need to be taken seriously.
Both have different treatment approaches.


But this is not why you are reading this.

You are not here to be told to roll out your muscles, stretch your joints and see your chiropractor (you should already be doing this).

You are here reading to find what to do for your training when...

You’re injured.

A small tweak, sharp pain or swollen joint.

Let’s walk through what you and every person goes through.

You need to identify these stages to overcome them.


The 5 stages of injury...


1. Denial.

The pain is immense. A knife in your shoulder when you raising your arm.

You just keep telling yourself...

“Once I get warm it will go away”.
Even though you know later tonight the agony in your left shoulder will keep you awake.

A week has gone by...

No improvement.

You make the intelligent decision 3 more serves of ibuprofen should fix it.
It doesn’t.

2. Anger.


Perhaps the darkest point of any injury.

At this stage the pain is setting in nicely.


After weeks of trying nothing it’s time to take action.

It’s time to blame someone or something.

Let’s start.

Your gym.
Your training partners.
Your job.
Your program.
Your genetics.

And many more…

Let’s move to the next stage


3. Bargaining.


Now that you have become the grinch…
Unhelpful fantasising often takes up a large amount of time in your day.

You are constantly thinking of…

How strong you would be.

How fit you would be.

How much better your life would be.

If you weren’t injured.

It is an emotional rollercoaster lasting months or sometimes years.

I know because I went through it for 29 months. 

An up and down journey involving thousands of hours and dollars on rehab programs, intense treatment and specialist appointments.

This knowledge is what I now share with all my clients.  


4. Depression.


You have tried everything with nothing working longer than a few days.

Not only has this injury ruined your training but now it’s affecting your life.

You have lost your inspiration, motivation and confidence.

Coffee tastes dull, movies seem boring and you really are not looking forward to work tomorrow.


Quitting seems like the best option.
Give up the gym, stop exercise and avoid anything remotely physical.


5. Acceptance.


You accept it is easier to do nothing.

To plod through each day. To be unhappy and hold down the title of ‘Cripple’.


If you’re being honest with yourself…


Exercise really wasn’t for you anyway. Yeah sure it was great at the start but let’s be real you’re not cut out.


It’s best to just go back to how things were.
I think you should take up walking full time.



Snap out of it.

Had enough and ready to avoid the injury cycle?


Follow these steps:


  1. Speak to your coach.

Your coach wants to see you in the gym training.

Every member at Creature is accountable to a personal coach with access to an infinite library of rehab programs.

There is simply no excuse.

2. Don’t break your routine.

Now you have your modified program don’t fall out of habit.

Yes you’re doing something a little different but that is no reason not show up and work hard.

3. Set new goals.

If you hurt your back deadlifting it’s time to set a new strict pull up goal. If you hurt your knee squatting it’s time for a deadlift goal.

Whatever the injury set a new target to keep striving towards.


A final word from me…

A chronic double knee injury set me back 29 months of training.
Multiple injections, scans and treatment sessions had little effect.
But I never gave up.
I used the process above and now I am pain free and better than ever.

I see my clients, family and friends across the world go through it every day. I also know those using the above process are happier than ever and still thoroughly enjoy training.

Don’t keep injuries to yourself.

You’re not a hero.

If you are in any of the stages of grieving above start with step 1 and start kicking some goals.  

In or out? 3 reasons to consider if The CrossFit Open is right for you

“Men will die for points” - Greg Glassman, Founder of CrossFit

This year the CrossFit Games celebrates it’s 10th anniversary.

I bet you never thought that millions of everyday gym folk would become so obsessed with being the fittest on earth.

Why did this happen...

Well like most things the timing was right.
The market was ready.

The ‘competition’ side of gym culture had largely become getting as jacked and tanned as possible.
Posing in a thong in front of judges was ‘competing’.
We have Arnold Schwarzenegger to thank for that.

For an early few this was not their idea of a ‘sport’.

Thus somewhere along the way in the early 2000’s doing deadlifts, burpees and pull ups faster than anyone else became the new ‘competition’.

It’s hard to imagine now people not doing workouts ‘for time’.

Racing your training partner through 30 ‘clean and press’ started to catch on.

I’m sure even you have a fond memory of surviving through your first CrossFit workout.

A few became a few hundred.


Here we are again signing up to the world’s largest online fitness competition ‘The CrossFit Games Open’.

I want to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons, setting the right expectations and reaching your potential in every workout.

Because if you’re not…

It may be the most miserable 5 weeks this year.

Below are three reasons why you should do The Open.


Your CrossFit gym is either...

  1. Signing as many people up as possible

  2. Pretending it doesn’t exist and encouraging people not to worry about it.

My community is doing the former and here’s why…

1. Competition is a catalyst

In 5 and a half years of coaching CrossFit there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about the exponential benefits of competition.

Take your goal, your self beliefs and your perceived physical limitations.

Inject a healthy dose of 17.1 (The first Open Workout of 2017) and witness the dissolving of your limitations.  

Whether it be your first muscle up, kipping HSPU or going one extra rep more than what you thought you could.

Competition drives us to be better.


2. Growth in Discomfort

Comfort is unhealthy.
Comfort make you slow, weak and boring.

Set a daily challenge of doing something uncomfortable.
This is what I and many successful people believe is the key to continual self improvement.

The Open is your annual event for immense discomfort.
The resistance you feel towards it is the reason you need to do it.

Take a blank piece of paper and write…

‘Reasons why I should not do The Open’

Assuming you understand what is involved and you are not injured you could write a pretty long list.
Owning 3 CrossFit gyms and coaching 300 athletes I can assure you does not make me exempt from this.

In fact…

I could write 10 pages on why I should not sign up.

My point is everyone has their objections.
All the reasons you can’t are the reasons you must.

3. Look into the mirror

For most of your training year addressing your weaknesses has you saying...

“I have too many too count”
“I train them everyday”
“I don’t know what they are”

No matter how much time you have or training you do there will always be things you are bad at.

The fact is…

You will ALWAYS feel like you suck at somethings.

For me it is handstand push ups and burpees.

I work them day in and day out.
The Open still never fails to show me ways I can still improve on them.

The Open also reveals what I neglected in the pursuit of crushing weaknesses.

Experienced athletes will remind you the pursuit of superior fitness is endless.

Here’s an example…

The last Open showed you suck at combining burpees and thrusters.
The misery of that experience lit a fire in you.
Improving this deadly combination became your sole training focus.
This is what you identified as holding you back from your goals.

No more.

The last year of training created an imbalance. You did too much pressing overhead and not enough pulling.

The result…

You’re stuck on the CTB pull ups doing singles because you got through the thrusters too quickly.

No matter how hard you try The Open will always show you the mirror of where you are truly at.

This is exciting!


Because now we are motivated, inspired and excited to attack the next block of training to improve our new found weaknesses.

To go even better than last year.


Ready to sign up?

Why most Fitness Resolutions fail and the 5 things you can do to beat the odds

2016 is gone.

What a crazy year it was for the Australian fitness scene.
With half a million Sydney-siders checking in at least once to their gym according to Fitness Australia’s ‘Annual Report.’  

That’s a lot of people going to the gym.

But how many of them succeeded?

How many kept their promise to lose weight, gain muscle and start eating healthy?

We can’t say for sure.
However there are a few things to note.

According to the ‘Annual report’…

  1. ‘Functional fitness and body weight training’ along with ‘Personal Training’ were voted number 1 & 2 as the most reliable and stable forms of training

  2. Pole dancing, ballet and ‘insta-fitness programs’ were the bottom three most likely to be a fad.

  3. The industry predicts an increase in specialised training, more time-efficient methods and a higher standard of education amongst trainers.


In summary you’re likelihood of success may increase if you train functional fitness, have a personal trainer and avoid ‘fad’ online training methods.

Creature’s hybrid coaching program regularly exceeds the industry standard combining personalised coaching, functional strength training and specialised gymnastics work across three locations.

But what if you did everything above and still came up short?

How can you truly succeed in 2017…

It is my life’s mission to find proven ways to get what you really want and share them with my clients.

In 2016 I spent nearly $40k on mentorship, education and implementation. I found the tools to get what I want. In business, fitness and in my personal relationships.


If you want to crush 2017 here is my advice…
Here are my 5 tools...


1. Clean your temple

Do you want more energy in your career, relationships and in your body?

Mediocre exercise, eating and lifestyle choices have left you feeling slow, tired and constantly stressed.

Take an honest look.
Are you putting the right foods in your body?
Is your training program varied and challenging?
Are you being coached by a professional?

If you don’t know the answers that’s ok. Keep reading.


2. Get a coach

If there is a single reason why you will not achieve your 2017 goals it is because you are going at it alone.

You have absolutely…

No expert guidance.
No experience beyond the point you are at.
No idea of how to best go from A to B.

This is why you will stop.
Why you will give up…
And why the first obstacle on your path will crush you.

Find a coach for whatever your goal.
Pay them to listen to you cry, celebrate and attempt to quit every 3 months.

They will be invested in your success.
With someone by your side I think you’re a good bet to succeed in 2017.


3. Master your morning

Did each day feel empty or wasted in 2016?
Were you left feeling like you couldn’t get on top of everything?


Best selling ‘self-help’ author Tim Ferriss stresses how doing what is most important to you in the morning increases your ability to succeed.

Simply attacking your highest priorities in the morning will have you more productive, successful and energised.
This is because the in morning our biology gives us the most resources for physical and mental activity.

As an example…


If seeing progress in your fitness routine is your highest priority then attending the morning class is your best chance for success.

If getting a promotion in your career is your top priority…
Set an alarm and be first in the office.
Rip through the morning then cruise into the gym stress free in the evening.


4. Create your team of accountability buddies

Did you tell anyone what you wanted in 2016?

Staying small and being quiet helps no one, especially not you.

Tell everyone in your social circle what you want from 2017.
Don’t read out your entire list just tell them the most important thing. Or if you are especially brave post it on facebook.

Let everyone know you are serious and if they see you slipping to slap you out of it.


5. Drink a regular cup of failure

We all know the path to success is not a straight line. Set the goal of being ‘slightly better’ not ‘perfect’.

Don’t let one boozey holiday, one bad day of eating or a small injury derail an entire year.
I often see these normal parts of life have ripple effects of self sabotage.

Don’t let 3 days effect 5 months.

Take a deep breath.
Then climb back onto your horse.

Any change is difficult.
You are collection of habits that make patterns which form behaviours.

It only takes changing one small habit to make a big difference.
Set the goal of the first step not the whole mountain.

Watch the positive change ripple into the rest of your life.

Want some Help?

This stuff only took me 8 years, 300+ clients and 3 facilities to figure out.

So, if you’re still working on it, that’s okay. Normal even. If you’re here, reading this, it probably means you’re moving forward.

At the same time, if you’d like some help and guidance with eating, exercise, or other healthy lifestyle habits, we’re accepting new clients from Jan 2nd 2017.

Just so you know, we take a limited amount of new clients we can bring on every month.

Across our 3 locations our capacity is limited and filling fast.

However if you are motivated, coachable and willing to invest in yourself we want to hear from you.

Book in a call with us and let’s see if we are a good fit. Find out why our client always hit their new years resolutions.


Annual Fitness Report -


Supplements for beginners

If you follow our blog…

Last week’s article talked about how to create the perfect post-workout shake.

With your unique formula you were set to hit the stores.



There’s just one problem...


What’s really in supplements?


Below is your guide to reading the back of any bag, bottle or magic potion.


Rule No. 1 - Know your goals


Know what you need. The biggest mistake you will make is entering a supplement store not having done your research.
This sets you up to be sold every pill, powder and potion under the sun. Most of which you don’t need.


‘Supplement’ your diet. Know what you need and where it fits in.

For example…

If you are doing CrossFit make sure you are shopping for carbohydrate powders to replace lost energy after your WOD.
Not pre-workout stimulants to get a boost in muscle pump.


Rule No. 2 - know your ingredients

The supplement industry is swimming in strange terminology. Here are a few key-words to look out for:


1: ‘Proprietary Blend’ is a mix of ingredients whose total amounts do not have to be listed. This is a company's opportunity to short you more expensive product for cheaper substitutes.
Think of buying a ‘green juice’ and finding out they used 98% water and 2% greens. It’s a similar situation.


2: ‘Glycine, Arginine, Creatine, Taurine’ are ways for protein powders to falsely increase the total amount of protein. Companies can ‘legally’ use these ingredients to inflate the total grams of protein. You may then not be getting all the quality protein you think you are paying for.


3: ‘Trans fat’ is the nastiest nutrient you can put in your body. Any product that contains even 0.1g of trans fat should be avoided. This usually means the product contains some nasty chemical. This is toxic. AVOID.


Rule No. 3 - know where to shop


Shop around.


With the internet everything has changed. I don’t need to tell you this.

Most companies are now wholesale to consumer. Removing the middleman aka retail outlets offers you a significant discount on products.


It may seem suspicious…

Buying food and powders on the internet is weird.
I know.
But you can safely buy supplements on the internet and get a really good price.



That’s it for some basic rules.
This is such a big topic to discuss.
I only want to give you the most simple rules to follow.


Here is my final thought…


Food technology has come such a long way.
When I was first purchasing supplements 10 years ago I couldn’t read the first ingredient.

A lot has changed.


You should not have to consume excess chemicals, binders and flavourings. Supplements should be simple with a few quality ingredients.
Any product that exceeds 8-10 ingredients is usually a red flag for the average consumer. It’s a broad stroke rule but it can work pretty well if you are new to this.

Great companies invest in their product development. They create unique ways to bind everything together, make it consumable and at a really good price.
My clients use our ‘Critical-2 supplements’ that tick all the boxes. Plugging them into their nutrition program maximises results like nothing I’ve ever seen.


In all honesty…


Most ingredients in supplements do not have enough research to back the claims any way. So what are you really buying?

Pick something off the shelf which you have a good feeling about. What does your gut tell you… literally.

If it looks like poison it’s not for human consumption.

Doing your research well means you don’t have to repeat the headaches of researching new products every month. FInd a company you trust.
Once you have found your perfect formula.
Be patient.
Stick to it.


Results may vary ;)


You know how to eat, drink and recover but have you mastered the post-WOD shake?

Did you know that sports nutrition supplements make up a 278 billion dollar industry worldwide?


This is part of the reason that explains the feeling you have to know the best possible formula for your post workout shake.

But do you even need a post workout shake...


It depends.


There are three critical questions you need to answer.

What type of training do you do?
How hard and long are your sessions?
What nutrition protocol do you prescribe to?


Let’s address the first question.

The type of training you do is very important. This is because cardio, weights and CrossFit (a combination of both) all require different recovery methods.


Most importantly the composition of your post workout shake changes based on your training type.

It is definitely important to have after your training but what goes in it makes all the difference.
As a guide high volume weight training with lots of reps and time under load requires more simple carbohydrate and protein in a post workout shake.

Long slow endurance training generally needs more carbohydrate and little protein. Some schools of thought now argue that fats should be added in with protein and carbohydrates left out.
That is a whole other story.

So when you reflect on your session it is important to know your sliding scale. This will dictate your protein and carbohydrate portions.


The second question.

If you’re having an easy day or hitting the hardest session of the week it might be obvious on how this can drastically change the size of your post workout shake.

Here’s what you need to know…

Longer sessions which stretch over an hour ideally will have a larger serving of protein and carb to replenish the depleted stores.

Even more ideal would be to start consuming that shake at the 1 hour mark to begin recovery and reduce breakdown. This may not always be appropriate depending on what type of session you find yourself in. Conversely shorter sessions may require less overall calories.

But here is the important factor…




The harder you are pushing your body in your training the more damage you are doing to it and the more repair that needs to be done after the session.

Increasing intensity means increasing breakdown which means a need for increased recovery.

If you’re going hard as a mother f**** make sure you double down on protein and carbohydrate servings.


The third question.


Do you eat paleo, atkins or count macros?


What type of fuel are you getting in day to day or are you just shooting in the dark?


Whatever type of diet you follow…

Should not affect what we established in the first two questions. What you should take away is that if you prescribe to a certain nutritional philosophy you will need to alter the type of protein and carb.

For example…


Paleo subscribers may want to use a vegan organic protein and a non starch carb source as it fits the framework of the diet. This is important information to consider when buying the ingredients for the post workout shake.

Post workout nutrition is important and you will need it to recover.

Now we have established what you need to consider.
Let’s quickly cover what benefits you can expect and why it REALLY matters.



The Window of Opportunity (gainz).

After an intense workout (again intensity is important) the amount of muscle breakdown is high and your body’s repair window is heightened.

It is starving for nutrients and energy.

Here’s what to do...


At this point you can now TRULY take advantage of your body's repair capabilities. Putting the right fuel inside of a 2 hour post workout window allows for an increase in muscle repair, energy replenishment and overall recovery.

Missing this critical window…

Will lead to a decrease in your ability to recover fully. Take advantage of your hard work!


In summary it is important to consider all these aspects of post workout nutrition. This will allow you to optimise your training, recovery and progress.

You need to be prepared.



Fortunately the supplement industry has made this aspect of your nutrition highly convenient. Make sure you do your research when buying supplements. Be sure to always check for a brand's reputation and know your ingredients.


Let the gains begin.


Want to learn more about optimising your nutrition?

Click the icon to the right and grab your free 9 episode series on nutrition and training.

Merry Christmas :)