3 delicious green drink recipes


This Monday's with Marco edition is a GREEN edition.


If there is one simple thing you can do this week to improve your health, just one thing, without worrying about anything else it would be to try one of these green juice/smoothie recipes or any you can create your own.

Now besides the fact that they:

  • Help you to naturally lose weight (being low in calories)

  • Are a massive energy booster

  • Improve your immune function keeping you healthy

  • Are high in micronutrients (which you need)

They also will:

  • Make you less hangry (use as a mid morning or arvo snack)

  • Be an opportunity to get your greens in

  • Be super easy to make and even easier to consume

  • Leave you feeling good

The list goes on but all you really need to do is try it this week for yourself!
All that's left is to find the one that you like best. Here are some examples below.


'Green Smoothie Recipe'

Handful Spinach
1/2 Avocado
1/4 of a Small Fresh Pineapple
10 Almonds
1 cup Coconut Water
Juice from 1 Lime


Peel the Pineapple, then put everything together into a blender and mix until smooth. Add ice cubes for extra freshness.


Supercharged Green Juice.


1 green apple, cored
3 handfuls baby spinach (or kale)
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 lemon, rind removed
1/2-inch piece ginger root, plus more to taste
Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt



Pear and Broccoli Green Juice!


2 Cups Spinach
3 Pears
1 Small Head Broccoli
1 Cucumber
1 Lemon
1” Ginger Root


1.Chop cucumber into ½ thick rounds, chop pear into chunks (removing the stem and core), chop broccoli into pieces, remove lemon rind and cut lemon in half.

2.Juice all ingredients. Any juice you have will do, but we recommend a masticating juicer, if possible for longer shelf-life.

3. After juiced, mix well and serve.

Happy to help.

Feel free to send this to your family, friends and colleagues and remember let me know what else you want me to write about, video blog or create content for - I am here to help!

Questions to marco@creaturefitness.com.au

Sun Therapy & Nutrition For Shift Workers


Guys! Start using the sun as another vehicle of health just like you do your training, sleep and nutrition.
There are tonnes of benefits linked to the exposure of sunlight (not too much though) and I wanted to share the key ones with you today.

Now I kIf you guys recalled we had a lot of sunny (albeit cold) days last year but while the weather is still warm and the sun is still out keep this in the back of your mind.

In this installment of Monday's with Marco I want to teach you guys 3 reasons why I believe it's crucial you try to get at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight exposure a day - especially as we head into the colder months!



Here is an easy one to understand.
SUNLIGHT encourages the production of white blood cells, which helps to boost your immune system and fight infection.
Tip# Feeling a little run down after 3 hours in front of the computer? Maybe even a little light headed or sniffly? Take a walk outside WITHOUT your sun glasses ON. 


2. You'll Feel More Energised From the Sun.

MELATONIN also regulates sleep, so having lower levels of this hormone in your body gives you more get up and go. This is why you need less sleep in summer but still feel livelier. Plus, being woken by natural light rather than an alarm clock helps you feel more positive.
Tip# Make your next training session an outdoor one and see how amazing you feel afterwards!

3. Boosts your Mood.

SUNSHINE boosts levels of serotonin - the body's natural happy hormone. That's why we tend to feel happier and more energetic when the sun shines. Regular sun can stave off moderate depression, particularly if combined with exercise, such as a walk in the park. It's also been shown that exercising outdoors creates more endorphins in the body than exercising indoors.
Tip# If you are feeling sad, disheartened or even depressed go out and get some sun! That or go and get a dog (i'm being serious) ;) ;)

You can also watch a youtube video I posted a few months ago for shift workers who are looking to improve their health in less than ideal circumstances!


In this video I explain the ways you should be eating if you are a shift worker and some strategies around better managing your health to ensure your longevity

Happy to help.

Feel free to send this to your family, friends and colleagues and remember let me know what else you want me to write about, video blog or create content for - I am here to help!

Questions to marco@creaturefitness.com.au

What Is Real Core Strength?



I'm back again for another installment! As you can already tell this week I want to talk to you guys about core training.
It's something that I've used regularly in the past with a lot of my clients but I believe its understated, under-trained and under appreciated! So I put together 40 (yes Four Zero) of the baddest core workouts and will be sharing them with you today (some of you may already have this), so that you can get started on them tomorrow. 

So what is the core anyways? The core consist of more than just your abdominal area. It is a series of complex muscles that all work together and play important role in the body’s everyday function. Functions such as protecting your internal organs, ensuring mobility of the spine and trunk, stabilizes the top part of the body over the bottom part and controls the pelvic-lumbar relationship (how you use your hips!)

These muscles include the:

  • Transversus abdominis,

  • Multifidus,

  • Internal and external obliques,

  • Rectus abdominis,

  • Erector spinae, and

The minor core muscles include the:

  • Latissimus dorsi,

  • Gluteus maximus, and

  • Trapezius.

Due to the size of this huge group of muscles it can be trained 3-4 times a week at a minimum!

I know what you are thinking!.... Do I need to do more core work? 

Here are some signs this might be for you:

  • Back jacks up after deadlifts or pulling movements

  • You suck at single leg/single arm movements

  • You notice your posture never improves

  • You can only hold a hollow hold for 10 seconds (this is really bad)

  • Sore hip flexors after bodyweight movements?

  • Your hips touch the floor way before your chest does performing a push up

  • You can't see your abs (we are just being silly)

If this is you then download the #coresohard workouts below and get started this week. Not only will you find you'll improve on the indicators above, you'll be less susceptible to injury, move and function better and probably PR your lifting and gymnastic movements along the way, plus who doesn't want a 6 PACK???

Good luck!


Happy to help.

Feel free to send this to your family, friends and colleagues and remember let me know what else you want me to write about, video blog or create content for - I am here to help!

Questions to marco@creaturefitness.com.au

Calories - Everything You Need To Know


I know you have heard of them.. but do you know what they are? 

Its Week 5 of Extra's with Ev and this week we are going to scratch the surface with nutrition.

Nutrition is a huge topic. MASSIVE actually!! 

It can be overwhelming when you start looking into it. There is a lot of conflicting information out there! That is why I always recommend to start slowly with nutrition. 

STEP 1: Education. Educate yourself on the basics. 

The nutritional information in this series is going to help you do just that. Learn about the basics, whilst keeping it as simple as possible. 

Lets start with calories

What is a calorie? 

A calorie is the amount of energy it takes your body to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree celcius. 

Basically, it is the measurement of energy that we need to fuel our bodies. 

Here is what you need to know about calories. 
Scientists measure the energy content of food by combusting it using a bomb calorimeter. 


Humans are far more complicated. There are many factors that can affect how food is digested, absorbed and used. 

So whilst energy balance DOES matter a great deal.. (we will get into that later)

Do not get caught up in a trap of trying to calculate exactly how much energy you have consumed and what you have to do to burn it off. 


Outside of a lab
You cannot know how many calories and nutrients you absorb, use or excrete.
You cannot know how many nutrients or calories are actually in your food.
You cannot know how many calories you expend through movement and metabolism. 

That's it on calories for this week. I told you I would keep it simple.

You may have noticed.. almost everyone at Creature takes some sort of interest in nutrition.

BUT.. the way they approach it is really different. 

Some people swear by mindful eating practices
Some people count macros
Some like flexible dieting
Some like to buy pre-prepared meals
Some like to follow meal plans
Some use a coach for accountability

So you are probably wondering.. which approach is best?

They are ALL good. As long as

  1. It works for you
  2. You are continuing to see results
  3. You are learning scientifically backed and proven information. 

Hint- not something your favourite fitness vlogger SWEARS got rid of her cellulite. 

Lastly, your approach to fitness and nutrition is going to continue to adapt and change as you do! So enjoy the journey.

Let's Talk About Diets


Hear about my very first experiences dieting.. this was before CrossFit and before my career in the fitness industry! 

Can you believe it..?? I worked here!!! Streets Ice Cream Factory. 

TRUST ME- Ice cream diets.. are bad. 

Watch my video to find out how I got myself off the ice cream diet and into something healthier. 

Ev's very first "Diet"

That's probably enough of Ev for one day. I hope that shows the benefit of what meal prep and planning can do for you. 

Stay tuned for part 2 this week. The second story goes into when I started CrossFit and gave "WHOLE 30" a go. 

SPOILER ALERT.. no happy ending there.