August 19 - 24


This is the fourth week of this 4 week training cycle. This week we will build to our heavy set of 3 reps on the Front Squat. This is a CREATURE LEVELS "LIFT" benchmark.
This metcon will be a fun one and a good test of your Aerobic Power. If you cannot perform DUs, perform 100 single skips instead.

Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard crawl
5 squat to stand
6 alternating lunge jumps

Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell front squat
10 front squats at 30%
10 fronts squats at 50%
5 front squats at 65%

Front Squat

In 3 sets build to a heavy set of 3 reps
10 min cap.

For time:
3 rounds
400m run
50 DUs
30 Wall Balls 20/14

Cap: 17 min

Scoring: Time

Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
10-30min nasal-breathing circuit bike/row/DUs/run/ski/BW box alternating step-up

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Dual DB FR Walking Lunge 4x20 (10p/s)
SL Box+Ring hamstring curl 3x12 p/s
Dragonfly 3x4 reps
SL Calf Raise 3x30 p/s

Tempo Pistol Squats, progressions or variations.

2 min p/s active lizard (knee off floor)

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Today we will perform 3 working sets of: 1 repeition of a split-jerk with a 3 second pause in the receiving position. We will superset this split complex with 3 sets of an underhand yates row to develop the lats and upper back. We include rows in the program to improve structural balance of the upper body which will assist healthy shoulder function.
The metcon is a 16min upper-body focussed EMOM. The first exercise is the bike/row to induce an aerobic stimulus. Then we have SHSPU practice under light fatigue. If you cannot perform SHSPU perform bx/pike HSPU. Exercise 3 is HAMMER BICEP CURL. Great for elbow health and for aethestics. Exercise 4 is the lying blackburn for upper-back hypertrophy and endurance.

Warm Up
Open-palm Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Empty Barbell Warm Up

Split Jerk
3 working sets of 1 split-jerk with 3 second pause in receiving position
Superset Underhand Barbell Yates Row 3x12 reps
Cap: 10min

16min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal schwinn or 15/10 cal row/assault
2: 2-10 SHSPU
3: 16 alt (8p/s) Hammer Curl
4: 5 Lying Blackburns

Scoring: 16 rounds for reps

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
a1: Dual DB Z-Press 4x10 (optional if you have done strength section of class)
a2: SA DB Row 4x12p/s (optional if you have done strength section of class)
b1: DB alt Hammer curl 3x24 (12p/s) (do not do if you did metcon in class)
b2: Finger Ext 3x30 reps
c1: Hanging Hip Taps (show control) 3x10 (5p/s)
c2: S-Waves 3x30 seconds

Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
SHSPU, variations, or progressions.
Strict Pronated Bar Pull-up. variations, or progressions.

2 min downdog

Prehab and Posture

Full Body CARs


This is the fourth week of this 4 week training cycle. This week we will build up to a heavy set of 3 reps on our deadlift. Deadlift 3 reps is a CREATURE LEVELS "LIFT" benchmark.
YOU CAN CHOOSE EITHER A SUMO OR CONVENTIONAL DEADLIFT. Which ever one you choose you will stick to for this 4 week block. Perform the lift that you feel stronger in and that agrees with your body more.
The metcon is a round for round 15 min AMRAP in groups of 3. Team mate 1 does a round, then team-mate 2 does a round, then team-mate 3 does a round. You will use 1 DB for the whole workout, all 3 exercises. Our goal here is to get some posterior-chain volume in which will develop muscle/endurance through the glutes and hams. Feel free to challenge yourself with a heavier DB than usual knowing that you have a 1:2 work:rest.

Warm Up
2 rounds:
3 long inchworm
20 banded good-morning
10-20 sec hollow hold

Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell conventional deadlift
10 conventional/sumo deadlft at 30%
10 conventional/sumo deadlift at 50%
5 conventional/sumo deadlift at 65%

In 3 sets build to a heavy set of 3 reps.
10 min cap.


Sumo Deadlift
In 3 sets build to a heavy set of 3 reps.
10 min cap.

15 min AMRAP
In groups of 3
Round for Round
6 Alt DB Snatch 22.5/15 (Rx+ 32.5/20)
6 Single DB FR Walking Lunge
3 SA DB Thruster (yes only 3 reps, either arm)

Scoring: Rounds and Reps

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength

Dual DR FR alternting Step-down 4x20 (10p/s)
Mini-Banded Cha Chas for glutes 3x30 p/s
Coppenhagen Adduction Drill 3x12 p/s
Shin Raises with KBs 3x30
Toe Crawl 3sets to failure

Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
Strict TTB, progressions or variations.

2 min side-split

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Today's gymnastics skill focus is on Ring-MUs. Everyone will pick the progressions which are most suitable to you.
The metcon is a 20min AMRAP. You can perform strict or kipping pullups in the workout. If you cannot perform pull-ups please perform jumping pullups or ring-rows for this one. Banded pull-ups will slow down the workout down too much. No doubt about it, this metcon will be tough aerobic piece! Keep the thoughts positive, keep breathing and just keep moving at whatever pace you can SUSTAIN for the full 20 mins.

Warm Up
3x10 sec wrist-extension lift-offs
Animal Flow

In groups of 3 rotate through:
3 sets of 5-15sec top of ring dip hold straight into 5-15 sec bottom of dip hold
3 sets of 5-10 false-grip ring row/pullups
3 sets of kipping MU transitions (feet on floor) OR 3 submax sets of ring MUs.

20 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 KB Swing 24/16
20 HR Burpees

Scoring: AMRAP

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
a1: Strict Ring Dip or Dual DB Chest Press 4x10 (optional if you have done strengt section of class)
a2: Overhand Bar Pullup 4x12. (Add weight for challenge or band for assistance)
b1: Dual DB Rollback 3x12
b2: SA DB Wrist Ext 3x30 p/s
c1: Hanging Hip Taps (show control) 3x10 (5p/s)
c2: Blackburns 3x30 seconds

Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
HS Hold, progressions or variations.

2 min table-top

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


This cycle we will be performing various power clean + squat clean drills and building up in load.
This metcon is a partner based workout. You will perform the 1km run together, and then break up the SB cleans and bear-hug carry however you like. Expect the lower-back muscles to be on fire during the SB-bear-hug carry.

Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m bear-crawl
6 static spiderman passing through squat
3 kneeling jumps
Empty Barbell Warm Up

3 working sets: 1 Power Clean + 1 hang squat clean.
10 min cap.

For time
In pairs
1km run together
then break up however between you
60 SB clean to shoulder 45/37
400m SB bear-hug carry

Cap: 18 min

Scoring: Time

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week

Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
10-30min nasal breathing circuit bike/row/DUs/run/ski/BW box alternating step-up

2 min p/s active lizard (knee off floor)

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


This cycle we will be performing various power snatch + squat snatch drills and building up in load.
The metcon is a 12 min EMOM to work on barbell cycling and gymnastics cycling.

Warm Up
45 sec hip CARs p/s
45 sec shoulder CARs p/s
Empty barbell Warm Up

3 working sets: 1 power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch
10 min cap

12 min EMOM
1: 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerk
2: 5-10 kipping TTB

Scoring: 12 rounds for reps

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week

Extras: FLEX ie. Gymnastics
Strict MU, variations or progressions.

2 min downdog

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs

Farm Fit

This is a 24min E2MOM (Every 2nd minute). If you cannot perform strict TTB please perform strict leg/kee raises.

Warm Up
45 sec hip CARs p/s
45 sec shoulder CARs p/s

24min E2MOM
1: 90 sec AMRAP bike/row
2: 3 sets of strict TTB
3: 10-20 burpee box jump over 24/20
4: 20-40 wall balls 20/14 (Rx+ 30/20)

Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week

2 min downdog

Weightlifting 1

Today we are performing a halting squat snatch. This means drive through the floor, pause at the knee, before continuing on into your squat snatch
The push jerk is practicising some touch-and-go barbell cycling work with the heart-rate elevated from the burpees.

Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Sandbag bear-hug squat
1 KB TGU p/s
Empty barbell snatch warm up

10 min EMOM
1 halting squat snatch

8 Lateral Burpee Over barbell + 4 TNG Push Jerk every 90 seconds for 6 sets

Weightlifting 2

Today we will work on our push-jerk receiving position with a pause in the catch every rep before standing the bar up. This will help improve our mobility and stability overhead. Do not feel the need to go very heavy on this. We would rather see quality position.
Then we work on some squat snatch barbell cycling with heart elevated from the burpee over the bar.

Warm Up
2 rounds:
45 sec fire-hydrants
10 S-Waves
Empty barbell warm up

Push Jerk
2 Pause Push Jerk every 90 seconds minute for 6 sets

Squat Snatch
8 Lateral Burpee Over bar + 3 TNG Squat Snatch every 90 seconds for 6 sets