A. Warm-Up
5 min AMRAP
10 shuttles up&back in gym
10 burpees
10 lunges
10 kick and twist
A2. Activation
30 Band pull aparts
2 sets
10 External rotation p/side (fractional plates)
Rest 30-60 sec between sets.
B1. Pendlay/Barbell Row
Rest 30 into
B2. Dbell Floor Press
5x5-6 (light)
Rest 2 min at end of superset.
C. Conditioning
5 sets
30sec burpees (All OUT pace)
30 sec max power clean 50/35kg
Rest 1 min
D. Cool down/mobility
March 4
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 super man rocks
A2. Activation
30 reps - Banded good morning
10 leg swings p/side
10 russian twists, heavy and slow, no sound
B. Power Clean and Jerk
C. Conditioning
6 min AMRAP
20 wall balls
200m Run
Rest 2 min
6 min AMRAP
10 S2OH @ 40/25 kg
200m Run
D. Cool Down/Mobility, tricep and shoulder focus.