A. Warm up
3 rounds
10 Band pull aparts
5 burpees
2 wall walks - scale = inchworm pushup
Stability prep:
3 sets
5 reps p/arm inverted KB press - scale = regular KB press single arm
B. 5 sets
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
(Build to something heavy but not maximal)
rest 2-3min between sets
C. 5 rounds
10 Dumbbell thrusters 25/15kg
10 Dumbbell alternating lunges
D. Cool Down
Walk 400
Feb 27
A. Mobility Focus (20 mins)
shoulder and hip mobility focus
Start with:
2 rounds
20 burpee air squat
20 KB thursters (LIGHT)
C. Light conditioning
EMOM for 10 min
even 10-20 empty bar thrusters
odd 10-20 hollow rocks
D. 2x 400m sprint (3 min Rest)