A. Warm Up
2 rounds
1 length bear crawl and reverse crawl
5 steps duck walk forward
5 steps reverse
5 squat to stand
Hip Flow
A. Weighted step Up with DB/KB
4 x 5/side @ 2011
- step up and down on same leg before switching sides
A2. DB Press from lunge
4 x 8-10 reps
- keep both knees at 90 deg and on the ground
C. 9 min AMRAP
10 box jumps
e.g. 2 T2B - 10 box jump > 4 T2B - 10 box jump etc.
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 walking lunges
10 cossack squats 5/side
Foundation holds
2 rounds
Side plank on elbow
90 sec
B. Deadlift
5 x 3 @ 82% 1RM
- rest 2 min
B2. Strict pull up
1 rep @ 4114
4-8 reps no tempo
C. For time
100 empty bar thrusters
- 7 min cap
A. Warm Up
5 TGU/side
5 KB windmills/side
Shoulder Flow
B. Strict Press
Build to a heavy set of 3 in 10 min
2 x 10 @ 50-60% of heavy 3
B2. Ring row with partner adductor hold
5 x 10-20 sec top of ring hold
into max reps
C. 13 min AMRAP
Run 200m
3 burpees
5 KB swings @ 24/16kg
3 burpees
Rest 30 sec
Lion 4 - 32/24kg
Monkey 4 - take out burpees and swings add in 3 burpee ring MU
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 walking lunges
5 burpee passing through squat
Foundation holds
4 rounds
40 sec side plank on elbow with leg lift hold
B. Zombie Squats
4 x 2
- be uncomfortable
- build some consistency in technique before going heavy
B2. Strict pull up
1 reps @ 8014
( if easy add weight)
5-10 kipping pull ups (no butterfly)
C. Partner WOD
(in pairs)
15 min AMRAP
100 wall balls
100 Power cleans @ 45/30kg
- OTmin 5 burpees individually
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 drinking birds/side
5 1 arm KB OHS
10 spider man lunges
Thoracic flow
B. Back squat
Build to 1 @ 95% in 12-15min
B2. Wall facing HS hold with shrugs
5 x 20-30sec
20-30 sec hang from bar with active and relaxed transitions
C. OT5min x 3
Run 400m
1 round Cindy
Monkey 4 - Nate
A. 2 rounds
10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks
B. GST (gymnastics strength training)
1 min on 1 min off
(3 sets of each exercise)
B1. HS Hold or HSPU strict
B2. Ring dip or support holds
B3. Active knee or L hang
C. 18 min AMRAP in pairs
go round for round
set must be UB
5 deadlifts @ 50/35kg
5 hang squat cleans
5 front squats
Lion 4 - scale up each set
Evolve barbell Thu
Snatch focus
A. 6-7 sets
1 snatch with pause at knee
B. Accessory work
Evolve barbell Sat
OH mobility focus
A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension
B. Split jerk technique