Dec 7-13


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
1 length bear crawl and reverse crawl
5 steps duck walk forward
5 steps reverse
5 squat to stand

Hip Flow

A. Barbell Split Squat from FR
4 x 4/side total @ 2011

A2. DB Z-Press
4 x 8-10 reps

C. 10 min AMRAP
Wall balls

Score is total wall balls


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 walking lunges
10 cossack squats 5/side


Foundation holds
2 rounds
Side plank on elbow
1 min with 10 hip touches
(approx 90 sec holding/side across all 3 sets)

B. Deadlift
5 x 4 @80% 1RM
- rest 2 min

B2. Strict pull up
3 reps @ 4112
3 reps no @2010
- if you can't do UB use a partner to assisst all sets
- no bands
- if easy add weight

C. For time
100 burpees to a plate

- 9 min cap


A. Warm Up

5 TGU/side
5 KB windmills/side


Shoulder Flow

B. Strict Press
3 x 2 @11X0
2 x 10 @ 50% of heaviest 2 AFAP

B2. Ring row with partner adductor hold
5 x Max rows @ 2020

C. 13 min AMRAP
Run 200m
13 T2B
Rest 30 sec

- T2B must be an UB set so scale reps as needed to stay UB

Monkey 4 - 20 T2B


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 walking lunges
5 burpee passing through squat

Foundation holds
4 rounds
30 sec side plank on elbow with leg lift hold

B. Zombie Squats
4 x 3
- be uncomfortable
- build some consistency in technique before going heavy

B2. Strict pull up
2 reps @ 8014
5-10 kipping pull ups (no butterfly)

- if you can't do UB use a partner to assisst all sets
- no bands
- if easy add weight

C. Partner WOD
(in pairs)
70 KB swings @ 24/16
70 box jump overs
70 KB thrusters @ 16/12kg

- 12 min cap


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
5 drinking birds/side
5 1 arm KB OHS
10 spider man lunges

Thoracic flow

B. Back squat
3 x 1

B2. Wall facing HS hold with shrugs
5 x 20-30sec
20-30 sec hang from bar with active and relaxed transitions

C. 20 min AMRAP
Run 400m
10 pull ups
5 CJ @ 60/40
Rest 1 min

Lion 4 - 80/55


A. 2 rounds

10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks

B. GST (gymnastics strength training)
1 min on 1 min off
(3 sets of each exercise)
B1. plank to push up
B2. Ring dip or support holds
B3. Hollow hold (can add weight to hands)

C. 14 min AMRAP
100 reverse plate OH lunges @20/10kg
30 DB burpees
40 Russian twists
400m plate carry

Evolve barbell Thu

Snatch focus

A. 6-7 sets
1 snatch deadlift
1 snatch

B. Accessory work

Evolve barbell Sat

OH mobility focus

A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension

B. Split jerk technique