Nov 30 - Dec 5


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
1 length bear crawl and reverse crawl
5 steps duck walk forward
5 steps reverse
5 squat to stand

Hip Flow

A. Barbell Split Squat from FR
3 x 6/side total @ 2011

A2. TGU hybrid
(sit up portion only)
8/side @ AHAP

C. 15 min AMRAP
DB Burpee
Double DB russian swing
30 DUs


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 walking lunges
10 cossack squats 5/side


Foundation holds
2 rounds
Side plank on elbow
1 min with 10 hip touches
(approx 90 sec holding/side across all 3 sets)

B. Deadlift
5 x 5 @78% 1RM
- rest 2 min

B2. Strict pull up
4 reps @ 4112
- if you can't do UB use a partner to assisst all sets
- no bands
- if easy add weight

C. For time
100 box jumps
(must step down, rebound = no rep)

- 6 min cap


A. Warm Up

5 TGU/side
5 KB windmills/side


Shoulder Flow

B. Strict Press
5 x 2 @11X0
- build to a heavy 3

B2. Ring row with partner adductor hold
5 x Max chest to ring hold

C. 16 min AMRAP
15 T2B
12 KB snatches (6/side, not alternating)
9 KB swings
30 sec rest


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 walking lunges
5 burpee passing through squat

Foundation holds
4 rounds
30 sec side plank on elbow with leg lift hold

B. Zombie Squats
3 x 4
- be uncomfortable
- build some consistency in technique before going heavy

B2. Strict pull up
2 reps @ 8014
- if you can't do UB use a partner to assisst all sets
- no bands
- if easy add weight

C. Partner intervals
12 min cap
Push Ups
Pull ups

Monkey 4 - ring dips/CTB


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
5 drinking birds/side
5 1 arm KB OHS
10 spider man lunges

Thoracic flow

B. Back squat
5 x 1

B2. Wall facing HS hold
5 x 20-30sec
20-30 sec hang

C. For time
Run 400m
30 thrusters @ 45/30kg

Saturday (XMAS PARTY!)

A. 2 rounds

10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks


WOD and instructions released via email Friday night around 6-7pm


Evolve barbell Thu

Snatch focus

A. 3 Pause snatch deadlift
1 full snatch

B. Wide grip HS holds

Evolve barbell Sat

OH mobility focus

A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension

B. Split jerk technique