A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
5 burpees
B. Front Squat
3 x 10 @ 60% of 1RM
- no OPEN competitors increase %
B2. Weighted dowell pass through 3 x 10 @ light weight
(increase blood flow to decrease soreness)
C. For time
7 min AMRAP
12 power cleans @ 45/30kg
24 DUs
A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
8 strict knee raises
5 min AMRAP for quality
20 sec HS hold
20 sec rear support
20 sec active hang
Monkey 4 - 2 Bar MU instead of kipping swings
B1.Heavy TGU 1/side
B2. DB Z-Press 5 reps
C. Intervals
3 on 1 off x 4
20 DB snatches alternating
10 burpee box jumps
- pick up where you left off
A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
4 pistols or 8 feet together squats
B. Deadlift
3 x 10 @ 60% 1RM
B2. Ring work 2 attempts at ME ring push ups/ dips/ MUs
C. 10 min AMRAP
3 DB manmakers
12 TTB
A. Warm up
5 min EMOM
15 DUs
5 V snaps
Shoulder Flow
B. Push Press
Build to a 1RM
- if doing OPEN friday build to 80%
B2. Active hanging variations
3 x 60 sec
- accumulate if can't do UB
C. 90 on 30 off x 5
5 Power snatch @ 40/25kg
5 lateral bar burpees
5 push ups
Monkey 4 - HSPU
- start from beginning each time
A. Warm up
5 min EMOM
15 DUs
5 V snaps
Shoulder Flow
B. Back Squat
10 mins to build to a heavy single @ 22X1
B2. Monster mini band glute walks
30 secs
C. AM Classes (pre-open announcement)
Partner interval work
10 min alte rd
10-20-30 etc.
Wall balls
KB swings
PM Classes
OPEN PREP (EMOM skill work)
A. Partner Warm up
2 rounds
20 wall ball parner
20 partner ball thrusters
20 footy passes
Shoulder flow
B. OHS technique
(taken from floor every time - PC to back rack or PS)
5 x 3 @ 65% of approx 1RM
C. Marrickville OPEN WORKOUT
15 min AMRAP
200m run
2 DB man makers
20 KB swings @ 24/16
EVOLVE barbell thursday
CJ Cycle.
Pause and foot work focus.
Developing speed in the split jerk.
Evolve barbell Sat
Not on during the OPEN