A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
5 burpees
B. Thruster
3 x 3 AHAP
- take from the floor
- no OPEN competitors increase %
B2. Kipping T2B/knee ups or HSPU
3 x 90% ME
(increase blood flow to decrease soreness)
C. For time
8 min AMRAP
5 wall ball
5 box jump
A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
1 bear crawl
3 athletic burpees
5 min AMRAP for quality
20 sec HS hold
20 sec rear support
20 sec active hang or
Monkey - strict CTB instead of hang
B1.Single arm DB psnatch 5 reps into 5 strict press heavy (complex)
B2. Double sumo KB deadlift - 20 reps
C. Intervals
3 on 1 off x 3
12 thrusters @ 45/30kg
24 Kb swings @ 24/16kg
- start from beginning each time
A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
2 incworms with push ups
4 pistols or 8 feet together squats
B. Power clean 4x 1
B2. Ring work 4 x 75-85% of reps from last week
C. 5 min AMRAP
30 deadlifts @ 60/40kg
40 box jumps
100 DUs
Rest 3 min
5 min AMRAP
40 burpee over bar
40 OHS @ 45/30kg
- if can't do OHS weight for 10 reps UB do STOH
A. Warm up
5 min EMOM
5 squat to stand
5 V snaps
Shoulder Flow
B. Push Jerk with pause in catch
3 x 3
B2. Strict Knee rasies
3 x ME
- can do with straight legs to parallel
C. 60 on 60 off x 5
- if doing OPEN friday, skip this workout
5 power clean @ 60/40kg
5 burpees
5 pull ups
- start from beginning each tim
A. Warm up
5 min EMOM
1 bear crawl
15 sec hang from bar
Shoulder Flow
B. Back Squat
3 x 2 @ 90% of last week
B2. Monster mini band glute walks
30 secs
C. AM Classes (pre-open announcement)
Partner interval work
13 min
200m farmers carry
40 double kb alternating reverse lunges
- break the work up how ever you want in pairs
D. PM Classes
OPEN PREP (EMOM skill work)
A. Partner Warm up
2 rounds
20 wall ball parner
20 partner ball thrusters
20 footy passes
Shoulder flow
B. Squat clean from floor
5 x 3 building
C. Marrickville OPEN WORKOUT
5 rounds
Run 400m
20 KB swings @ 32/24kg
EVOLVE barbell thursday
Snatch progression cycle
Evolve barbell Sat
OH mobility focus
A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension
B. Split jerk technique