Please watch the following video for a Brief of today's workout:
Movement Demos for today's workout:
Warm Up
27 Point Squat - Video Attached:
Lower Body Strength
B) Tempo Squats: 3-4x10
TEMPO: 3-3-3-0 – Building Positional Awareness
(3 down, 3 pause, 3s up controlled and no rest at the top)
*Rest 60s Between Sets *
C1) Single Leg Romanian Deadlift : 3-4x10 each side – Add weight if needed (Any random weighted object)
*Rest 30s Before C1)*
C2) Seated Pike Leg Lifts: 3-4x10-15
*Rest 60s and return to C2)*
Metcon (No Measure)
2 Rounds through:
5 min EMOM (40s AMRAP, 20s Rest)
AMRAP 10m Shuttle Sprints
15 Air Squats into AMRAP Jumping Squats
*Rest 2 mins once completed*
6 min EMOM (40s AMRAP, 20s Rest)
10 jumping lunges + 10 burpees
*Rest 2 mins and return to the top for the 2nd round if you have time*
Please watch the following video for a Brief of today's workout - (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Movement Demos for today's workout: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Warm Up
Warm Up Video: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
3 Rounds:
3 Shoulder CARS P/S
5 Twisting Bear P/S
5 Down-dog to Dive-bomber
Upper Body Strength
A1) Tempo Push Up: 3-4 x AMRAP-2RIR (2 Reps In Reserve = 2 Reps shy of failure with good form)
Tempo: 3-0-3-0
(3 sec down, 0 pause at bottom, 3 sec up, 0 pause at top)
*Move Straight to A2)*
A2) Wall Angels: 3-4 x 6-8 reps
Slow and Controlled - keep the range as honest as possible
*Rest 60 seconds and return to A1)*
B1) Bench Dip 3-4 x AMRAP-2RIR
*Move Straight to B2)*
B2) Plank Shoulder Taps 3-4 x 20 reps
*Rest 60s and return to B2)*
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds for time:
5 Pushups
10 Burpees
15 Air squatsCap: 15 Min
Please watch the following video for a Brief of today's workout - (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Movement Demos for today's workout: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Warm Up
Warm Up Video: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Foam Roll Calf x90s P/S
3 Rounds:
Knee To Wall Drill x 15 reps or Banded Ankle Distraction x60s P/S
Single Leg Pike Pulse x 15 reps P/S
Glute Clam x20 reps P/S
Single Leg Squat
Pistol Progressions - Choose the option that best suits your ability level
Option 1:
Negative Step Down 3x5 w/ 5s Eccentric P/S
*Rest 30s Between sides and complete 3 sets*
Option 2:
Heel Elevated Pistol Negative 3x5 w/ 5s Eccentric P/S, use 2 feet to stand up
*Rest 30s Between sides and complete 3 sets*
Pistol Practice
Perform 20 Quality Reps Each Side
*Choose from lateral box or stair step down, or full pistols*
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
21 Min EMOM:
1: Burpee
2: Air Squat
3: Reverse Lunges
*30sec work, 30sec rest - alternating between 3 exercises*
Please watch the following video for a Brief of today's workout - (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Movement Demos for today's workout: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Warm Up
Warm Up Video: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
3 Rounds:
10 S-Waves
10 Wrist Rock Backs
30s Hollow Hold
30s Arch Hold
Handstand Circuit
12 Min EMOM:
1: 10 -15 pike pushups or Kneeling Pushup
2: 30-45 second Wall facing Handstand Hold or Front Support
3: 30s Hollow Hold
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
Hollow Hold – 10-15s
Rest 10s
Hollow Rock – 10 reps
Rest 10s
Seated Pike Leg Lifts – 10 reps
Rest 10s
Seated Pike Pike Hold –10-15s
Rest 10s
V-up snaps (tucked/bent knees) – 15 reps
Rest 10s
V-up snap hold (tucked/bent knees) – 10-15s
*Rest 2 mins between rounds*
Please watch the following video for a Brief of today's workout - (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Movement Demos for today's workout: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Warm Up
Warm Up Video: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
3 Rounds:
10m Bear Crawl
5 Deep Squat Rotations
10 90/90 Hip Pivots
Lower Body Strength
B1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: 3-4 x AMRAP-2RIR Each Side (2 Reps In Reserve = 2 Reps shy of failure with good form)
Place back foot on a chair
*Rest 30s Before B2)*
B2) Single Leg Glute Bridge 3-4x12 P/S
*Rest 60s and return to B1)*
C1: Cossack Squat: 3x8 P/S
*Rest 30s Before C2)*
C2) Single Leg Calf Raise 3x15 p/S
*Rest 30s Before C1*
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
10 Strict Dip (Bench, Chair, Box)
20 Pushups
30 Shoulder Taps
1 min Wall-sit
Please watch the following video for a Brief of today's workout - (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Movement Demos for today's workout: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
Warm Up
Warm Up Video: (Please access the link from creature if you cannot click through)
3 Rounds:
10m Toe Calf Walk
10m Walking Lunge
10m Hamstring Sweep
10 Supine Twist
Metcon (Time)
Choose Option 1 or 2, or complete both.
Option 1:
25 to 45-minute Run @ easy pace (nose breathing)
*Take an opportunity for some easier aerobic work after the last two harder days. Focus on maintaining a good posture and arm swing as you run. Your aim is to do nose breathing only (in + out)*
Option 2:
For Time:
100 Burpees
*EMOM perform 10 Walking Lunges*
Core Conditioning
4 Rounds:
10s Hollow Hold
10s Bicycle Crunches
10s Hollow Hold
10s Russian Twist
Rest 30-45 seconds
Week 2 or 4. This cycle for leg strength we have pause back squats. Today we have 3 sets of 5 rep’s at 65% with a 3 second pause at the bottom of each repetition. It’s important that we maintain our midline position and tension. Pause squats can help reduce the impact through our knees and lower back by giving us more control and awareness throughout the movement.
Warm up
2 rounds
4 squat to stand
4 each internal knee drops
4 squat + thoracic rotation
10 steps each way banded clam steps + 10 banded squats
Pause Back Squat
10@ empty barbell
8@ 30%
6@ 50%
3x5 reps Pause Back squat @65%
*3 sec pause at bottom position on all reps.
6x 30sec work 30 sec Rest on each station before changing
1) Cal Row/Bike
Rest 1min
2) Single DB Devils Press 22.5/15
Rest 1 min
3) 12 Air squats + Max abmat sit ups
Gymnastic Extra
Ring Muscle up
*Rest as needed between
Repeat of ladder, attempt to get higher. spend longer resting before your failed set from last week.
come back down if failed before 6. If completed progress to 1-7-1
Strength & Hypertrophy Extra
3 sets Each
12 GHD Hip extension (with load if possible)
12/12 DB Rear foot elevated split squat
15-20mins Row/Ski/Bike
Recovery Nose Breathing only
Week 2 of 4. Today we have a mixture of push and pull strength combined with core and cardio.. Instead of our traditional strength and conditioning class structure, today we will blend the two with a continuous moving 30 min piece.
Warm up
2 rounds
10 Pass throughs
4 thoracic bridge
5-10 push up with scap plus
5-10 Ring rows
10 Hollow rocks
5 Rounds For Quality and load
8 Bench Press
8/8 Single DB Clean & Strict press
4-8 Strict Pull up + 4-8 Sec top hold on last
16 KB Russian Twist
20/15 Cals
*aim for similar starting weight as last week
Cap 30mins
Gymnastic Extra
3 Rounds
40sec HS Hold
40sec Hollow Hold
40sec Active Hang in hollow
Strength & Hypertrophy
3 sets as super set
12-15 banded tricep push down
12 Supinated DB Bicep curl
(increase load and resistance from last week)
Row 2km
SKi/bike for Cals in remaining time
Changing every min.
Week 2 of 4. The following cycle will see us working at percentages with the following deadlift complex. 5 reps with a reset at bottom then rest 6-10secs. 5 reps floating 2inch above floor at the bottom of the rep then rest 6-10 secs. 5 reps normal tempo TNG. This complex will allow us to build some positional awareness in the starting position and posterior strength.
Warm up
2 rounds
10 Cals
10 Dead bugs
10 bird dog
10/10 SL Hip lift
10 Plate good morning
5.5.5 @empty barlbell
5.5.5 @ 30%
5.5.5 @ 40%
3x5.5.5 @55-60-65%
*set 1 at 55% set 2 at 60% set 3 at 65%
Cap 15mins
10 Toes 2 Bar
16 SA DB Hang Cleans 15/22.5
60 DU's
Gymnastic Extra
L-sit on parallettes
*Every rest 5 V-ups
Strength & Hypertrophy
4 sets each
3-5 Nordic hinge with partner
12/12 SL KB Deadlift
3 Rounds
1km Run @7.5/10RPE
3AMRAP 10 KB Swing 10 Air squats 10 Sit ups
*Aim for same 1km Times while recovering in AMRAP
Week 2 of 4. Today we will have a coach led breakdown of HS Walking. Followed by a 20minute active recovery EMOM. Choose the appropriate rep range and load to make sure this is “active recovery”.
Warm up
2 rounds
10 cal
10 Pass Through
10 S-waves
10 kip swing
1 Wall walk + 5 HS shrugs
10-15mins Coach led HS/HS walking practice
*RX + walking around rollers/over plates
1) 8-12 Cal Bike
2) 6 Box jump overs + 10 sit ups
3) 8-12 Cal Row
4) 6 Burpees + 6 Goblet Squats
5) 10sec Partner spot Free standing HS or wall
20-30mins Stretching
Stretch all major muscle groups
Spend more time on your own specific restrictions.
Ask Coach
Week 2 of 4. During this cycle we will be working on different barbell movements under fatigue. With gymnastic or conditioning buy ins, into TNG style barbell cycling. The focus should be still on moving well. Also gaining experience of how different movements impact each other in the sport of fitness.
Warm up
Squat/Hip/Thoracic Flow
Activtion= Glute/Core
Coach lead empty barbell Skill Break down for complex
Every 2mins for 12mins
5-15 Pull ups (kipping/butterfly)
3 Barbell Thruster
*Start at 50% climb each round.
For Time
3 Rounds
400m Run
20 DB OH Lunge 15/22.5
10 Lateral Burpee over DB
Cap 14mins
Gymnastic Extra
4 rounds
20m Seal walk
40sec Sorenson Hold
Strength & Hypertrophy
3 set's as super set
12 Db Lateral Raise
10-15 Banded Pull apart
10/8 Cal bike sprint
Rest 4mins
12/10 Cal Row Sprint
Today’s session is an individual endurance piece with set rest. With the barbell ground to overhead you may choose to challenge yourself by snatching this weight overhead or use a clean and jerk method. Rx+ option is to complete it at 60/40Kg
Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
10 Air squats
10 Kb Swings
10m P/s KB OH carry
Team WOD Flow & movement specific warm up with coach
For time CAP 27mins
40 Wall Balls
15 Ground to over head (snatch or clean & jerk) 40/30
40 Cals Bike or Row or 600m Run
Rest 3mins
30 Cals Bike or Row or 400m Run
12 G2OH
30 Wall Balls
Rest 2 mins
20 Wall Balls
9 G2OH
20 Cals Bike row or 200m Run
Rest 1 min
10 Cals Bike Row or 100m Run
6 G2OH
10 Wall Balls
RX+ 60/40
Half starts on cals, half start wall balls with large class scenario.
Weightlifting 1
Warm up
Thoracic/hip rotat/squat
Glute/ shoulder/midline
Coach lead barbell skill break down
Week 2
2 Hang power snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
with pause in catch position.
*start slightly heavier than last week. 65-70% and climb
*Coach led clean warm up
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split jerk
Reset feet from power clean to Split jerk
*start at 65-70% and climb
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
Thoracic/hip rotat/squat
Glute/ shoulder/midline
Coach lead barbell skill break down
Week 2
We will continue to address heavier single's on Saturdays over this cycle. With positional work as primer's. Eventually increasing rest periods on heavy singles at end to allow us to increase %.
1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch balance
2 Hang squat snatch
1 Squat snatch
*Coach led clean warm up
2 Power Clean + 1 Split jerk
2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk