Oct 23


A. Warm Up

3 rounds

5 inchworms
10 hollow to super
10 air squats

B. Activation

B1. 5 x 2

Weighted Pull Up @2010
BW Pull up (this week we will use partners to spot people to do the reps, EVERYONE does pull ups)

rest 90 sec

C. Barbell Skill work

OT2min for 10 sets


3-5 Hang Clean with less than or equal to 30/20kg
2 sec pause in bottom
3-5 Push jerks with pause in catch

BASE - Totem 1

5-5-5-5-5 Push Jerks
5-5-5-5-5 Hang Power Cleans

Do all Jerks before doing Cleans, must be TnG

Totem 2+

5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 C&J

must be touch and go