A. Warm Up
3 rounds
5 inchworms
10 hollow to super
10 air squats
B. Activation
B1. 3 x 3 reps
Weighted pull up/ BW Pull up/ Ring row
(make as hard as possible)
Rest 30 sec before B2
build on last week
B2. Standing 2 arm DB Press
3 x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 sec before returning to B1
C. Barbell Skill work
OT2min for 10 sets
3-5 Hang Clean with less than or equal to 30/20kg
2 sec pause in bottom
3-5 Push jerks with pause in catch
BASE - Totem 1
8-8, 6-6, 4-4, 2-2 TnG PC&PJ
building weight each set
Totem 2+
5-4-3-2-1 Power Snatch
then start in last 5 rounds
10-8-6-4-2 PClean & Jerk