Dec 1st-6th


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
1 length bear crawl
6 spiderman lunges


Hip Flow

B. Strength

B1. Back Squat @30X1 - 4x 3 ;
Rest 2-3 min before B2.

C. Conditioning

3min on/ 1min off x 4-5 @ 80% aerobic

Gymnastics Elements-T1

5 pull ups
10 OH alternating reverse lunges with plate
15 airsquats


2-3 Ring Muscle Ups
10 OH alternating reverse lunges with plate
15 airsquats



A. Warm Up

2 rounds
5 air squats
10 lunges forward
10 lunges back


FULL Thoracic Flow -

B. GST (Gymnastics Strength Training)

B1. Push Press @ 10X1 3x3, 2x2 rest 60 sec before B2


B2. Ring Support Hold - 3 x 10- 40 sec ; Rest 90 sec before B1.

{ Elements-Base = keep feet on ground if can’t do unsupported}
{ Totem 1 = rx }
{ Totem 2+ = rx }

Notes: Elbows in thumbs out.

C. Conditioning

2min on/2min off AMRAP @ 80-85% Aerobic x 3-4

20 Thrusters @ 40kg/30kg
Max burpee over bar in time remaining



A. Warm Up

2 rounds
10 rotational ball slams
10 Lunges with ball overhead
10 sit ups with ball


FULL Thoracic Flow -

B. Strength

B1. Snatch balance 5x1 ; Go heavy if form allows it, Rest 60 sec into B2.

{ Elements: Use a dowel and plates under heels }

B2. DB cuban press 4 x 6-8 reps ; Rest 60 sec into B1.

Notes: Heavier than last week, use fractionals

C. Conditioning

3 min on / 1 min off x 5

Notes: start from where you left off.

Gymnastics T2+

12 T2B
18 KB swings @ 24/16kg

Gymnastics Elements-T1

10 T2B/K2E/V-snap
20 swings @ 24/16


A. Warm Up

Lunge Flow -

Notes: Do flows 1-3 x per leg

B. Strength

B1. Pendlay Row @2011 - 4 x 5 ; Rest 30 sec into

B2. Skin the cat 4 x 2-4 reps ; rest 1 min into

C. Barbell Conditioning

On the 2 mins for 20 minutes

Elements - 3 Hang power clean into 3 push Jerks

Notes: Must pause in the power position for 2 seconds

Base-Totem 1 - 10 sets of 2 Full Clean and PUSH JERK
Notes: NO split jerks, done as 2 singles

Totem 2+ - Full Snatch 10 sets of 3
Notes: done as 3 singles, no more than 70%



A. Warm Up

2 rounds
4 Light Turkish Get Ups @ no more than 16kg
8 goblet squats
10 KB Swings

B. Leg Hypertrophy Circuit

B1. RDL @ 20X1 5 x 5 ; Rest 1 min into

B2. Banded hip flexor stretch 5 x 45 sec/side
Rest 2 min before starting back at B1.

C. Aerobic power

30/30 x 10 sets

Strength T1+ : use 110kg/70kg

Gymnastics T2+ : burpee bar MU

AMRAP - go from start each time

4 Burpee over bar / 1 burpee bar MU
Max deadlifts @ 85/55kg alternating each round with max DU

Notes: move fast, +/- 3 reps each round



A. Warm Up

2 rounds

20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls

B. Gymnastics Skill Training

5 rounds

****Elements & Base****

1 min: 10 weighted sit ups
1 min: Mobility
1 min: 10 renegade rows
1 min: Mobility

****Totem 1****

1 min: 1-5 HSPU (if no HSPU do deficit eccentrics)
1 min: Mobility
1 min: 1-5 kipping CTB (no where close to failure)
1 min: Mobility

****Totem 2+****

1 min: 6-8 pistols /side
1 min: Mobility
1 min: deficit HSPU kipping
1 min: Mobility

C. Conditioning

In pairs one person working at a time

AMRAP 14 mins

50 over the box jumps
200m farmers walk (2 KB each)
200 DU’s or 400 single unders or "100DU’s and 200 singles”