A. Warm Up
2 rounds
1 length bear crawl
6 spiderman lunges
Hip Flow
B. Strength
B1. Back Squat @30X1 - 3x 7-8 ; Rest 90 sec before B2.
B2. RFESS @3010 - 3x 6-8/side ; Rest 90 sec before returning to B1.
C. Conditioning
7min on/ 2min off x 2 @ 80% aerobic
Run 20 shuttles/row 20 cal
5 strict pull ups or 10 ring rows
40 DU’s / 80 SU’s
10 T2B/ K2E, hanging leg raise
Notes: hit this at the same pace you would hit a 12-15 min AMRAP of this
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 air squats
10 lunges forward
10 lunges back
FULL Thoracic Flow -
B. GST (Gymnastics Strength Training)
B1. Ring Dips @ 2112 - 3 x 3-10 ; Rest 1 min before B2.
{ Elements-Base = Eccentrics and bottom holds with same rep scheme }
{ Totem 1 = Partner assisted concentric, self guided eccentrics and holds }
{ Totem 2+ = Rx }
Notes: 2 down, 1 at top, 1 up, 2 at top. You should be adding reps to what you did last week.
B2. Wall facing HS Variations - 3 x 10-60 sec ; Rest 90 sec before B1.
{ Elements-Base = Holds }
{ Totem 1 = Holds with optional shoulder shrugs from the HS }
{ Totem 2+ = Wall walks }
Notes: Try to not allow belly on wall, toes and nose only.
C. Conditioning
14 min AMRAP @ 80-85% Aerobic
15 Hang Power cleans @ 50/30kg
Run 200m
20 HR Push ups
Notes: Scale push ups if max set <35
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 rotational ball slams
10 Lunges with ball overhead
10 sit ups with ball
FULL Thoracic Flow -
B. Strength
B1. 2 BTN PP + 5 Overhead Squat @ 30X1 ; Rest 60 sec into B2.
{ Elements: Use a dowel and plates under heels }
B2. Skin the cat 4 x 1-3 reps ; Rest 60 sec into B1.
Notes: Do just a skin the cat stretch on rings if can’t roll into Rx version. Have people spot each other.
C. Conditioning
5 min on / 1 min off x 2-3 (dependent on time) - goal is same score each 6 min
10 DB Thrusters @ moderate weight, should be close to UB
10 V snaps
50 DU’s/ 100 SU's
A. Warm Up
Lunge Flow -
Notes: Do flows 1-3 x per leg
B. Strength
B1. DB Row @2011 - 4 x 8-10 ; Rest 30 sec into
B2. Active Shoulder Hang from bar in hollow position - 4 x 10-30 seconds ; Rest 60 sec before B1.
Totem 1+ - add solid kipping.
C. Barbell Conditioning
On the 2 mins for 20 minutes
Elements - 3 Hang power clean into 3 push Jerks
Notes: Must pause in the power position for 2 seconds
Base-Totem 1 - Push Jerks 5 x 5reps into 5 x 3reps
Notes: Weights should be increasing the whole time must be Touch and Go
Totem 2+ - Hang Power Clean and 2 Jerks 5x2 of complex - 5x1 of the complex
Notes: keep it TnG
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
4 Light Turkish Get Ups @ no more than 16kg
8 goblet squats
10 KB Swings
B. Leg Hypertrophy Circuit (for popping quads and hammies)
3 x through B1,2,3 - Resting 30-60 secs btw each
B1. Natural GHR Variation 5-10 reps
B2. KB SLDL @ 5011 3-6 reps/side
B3. Single arm farmers walk - 30 sec/side (heavy with upright posture)
Notes: improve on last week if you can
C. Aerobic power
90/90 x 4-5 sets
10 KB Walking lunges
10 KB Swings
Notes: Use a weight that is light and can be done smoothly for whole 90
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls
B. Gymnastics Skill Training
5 rounds
****Elements & Base****
1 min: HS Hold with shoulder shrugs
1 min: Mobility
1 min: 30-40 sec Plank on floor or rings
1 min: Mobility
****Totem 1****
1 min: 1-5 HSPU with Eccentrics only (as long as possible in eccentric)
1 min: Mobility
1 min: 2-8 strict T2B
1 min: Mobility
****Totem 2+****
1 min: 1-3 bar MU
1 min: Mobility
1 min: 30 sec Max Du's
1 min: Mobility
C. Conditioning
10 min AMRAP rest 2 min in pairs
60 wall balls
20 wall walks
into 6 min AMRAP in pairs
80 Alternating Steps plate OH Lunge (on the spot) @ 20kg/10kg
80 Plate G2O