A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 spiderman lunge
10 Squat to stand
10 jumping alternating lunges on spot
10 Air squats, arms locked out and overhead
A2. Activation
2 rounds
10 pallof press p/side
10 goblet squats
10 single arm kb thruster (5 p/side)
B. Strength
High Bar Back Squat with a pause in bottom (2 seconds)
Rest 2 min
Build to something heavy and technically sound
C. Conditioning
12 minutes
2 Push Ups
2 T2B/K2E/V-snap
4 Push Ups
4 T2B/K2E/V-snap
On the top of every minute 10 air squats.
Until time expires.
D. Cool Down/Mobility
(thoracic rotation)