April 7

A. Warm Up

2 rounds

Bear Crawl 2 lengths of gym
5 Burpee broad Jump

B. Activation

For Quality (8min Cap), working through:

30 DU/60 Singles
20 Ring dips/ ring push ups/ push ups/ scaled push up
10 Strict T2B/ V-snap

C. Strength

Perform 20 good mornings with bar then start

Deadlift (each set on the 2 min)

1x8 @ 70%/moderate
1x5 @ 80%/tough
1x2 @ 90%/very tough
1 attempt at a heavy/near maximal single

(form is priority)

D. Conditioning

2 rounds

2 min at each station

Burpee to plate
Plate OH lunge

E. Cooldown