A. Warm up
2 rounds
10 strict burpees (jump into top of push up, pushup with hips off floor)
5 inchworms no push up
5 wide inchworms
10 bodyweight glute bridges on floor
B. Activation
8 min
In pairs or threes
2 skin the cats with a 10-30 sec hold
Accumulate 40 sec Bottom of ring dip hold (squeeze elbows)
C1. Strength
Snatch grip Deadlift
3x3 @ 2111 - Rest 1 min
C2. Halting 3 position Snatch Deadlift
3x2 with 2 sec pause at each position @ 70-80% of C1
D. Conditioning
10-14 sets of 30on/off (dependent on time)
Power clean @ 50kg/35kg
Burpee over bar