May 7

A. Warm Up

OTM for 10 min

even - 5-10 burpee
odd - 30 DU’s/ 50 singles/25 lateral jumps over rope (bunny hop)

B. Activation

3 sets for quality

HS Hold (no minimum time, max 30 sec)
Hanging L-sit from rig (accumulate 30 sec)
Single arm kb oh Squat 5 reps /side

B. Strength

Front Squat @ 22X2 (2 down, 2 second pause)

3x3-4, increase on last week

Rest 2 min

C. Conditioning

(Warm up with emu bobs and 1-2 unbanded sprints)

In pairs

4 rounds

OT3 min

10 Over the box Jumps
10 Jumping goblet squats 12/8kg or jumping air squats

All out effort on each set.

D. Cool down