A. Warm Up
3 rounds
Push up hold 10 lateral shuffles maintaining position, 10 shuffles back
5 x Squat complex (1 air squat, 2 front alternating spiderman lunges)
B. Activation/skills
6 min AMRAP (min 2 rounds)
50 DU's/ 100 single unders/ or 1 min DU practice
4 Turkish Get Up - perfect technique
20 band pull aparts
C. Strength
Push Jerk from the floor
OTM for 10 min
3 reps (build on last week)*
*People MUST pause on the catch for 2 sec before bring feet back together or standing up rep to teach them to catch it with locked arms.
D. Gymnastics Endurance Bias Metcon
10 min EMOM
odd - 10 T2B
even - 15 burpee
10 min EMOM
odd - 10 pistols
even - 10 KB swings