October 1


A. Warm Up

3 rounds

10 ball slams
10 rotational slams - 5 each side
10 footy passes to wall - 5 each side
5 goblet squat thruster

B. Hip Flow

C. Strength

Front Squat
3 x 4 @ 25X2 ( down, 5 sec hold, 2 at top before next rest) with plates under heels

Rest 2 min btw sets, LIGHT

3 x 8-10 @ 22X1

Rest 2 min Btw Sets

D. Conditioning

4-6 x 90 on/ 90 off

W2B - BASE strength

5 thrusters @ 40kg
40 DUs/80 single skips
Max shuttles

Totem 1 + strength

5 clusters @ 60kg (must be done in singles)
40 DUs/ 80 single skips
Max shuttles