September 8 - TESTING WEEK


A. Warm-Up

2 rounds

10 spider man lunge
5 wide, medium and narrow stance squats
10 windscreen wipers/hackey sack each side

B. Hip Activation

2 rounds

10 leg swings forward
10 leg lifts to side
10 front leg circles
10 side leg circles

C. Strength Test 1

15-20 mins to build to a

Back Squat 1RM

Warm up percentage protocol (guideline)
1x5-10 @ 60%
1x 5 @ 70%
1x 3-4 @ 75% (can skip this set)
1x 2 @ 80%
1 x 1 @ 85-90%
1 x 1 @ 90-95%
1 x New PR attempt

Rest 5 min

AMRAP @ 85% @ 30X1

-breaking the tempo means set is over

D. Gymnastics Test 1

Max strict pull ups (5 rep cut off)

rest 2 min

One set only, 2 attempts

Max ring rows (straps perpendicular to floor hips ext legs straight)

or max kipping pull-up

or max kipping C2B pull ups,

E. Time remaining do additional anterior shoulder mobility for tomorrows testing.