Nov 16-21


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
5 squat to stand
5 hindu push ups
10 reverse alternating lunges

Hip Flow

A. Back squat build to a 1RM in 15 mins.

C. 20 min CINDY
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 airsquats

Monkey 4

20 min NATE
2 MU
8 Kb swings @ 32/24kg


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
5 inchworms
10 spider man lunges


Thoracic Flow

B. Clean complex OTmin for 10
1 power clean or squat clean

C. 12 x 45on / 15 off
6 burpees to a plate
12 DB or KB Snatch alternating @ 25/16kg

- pick up where you left off
- score is rounds and reps


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
7 KB squats 1 arm rack/side
5 bird dogs/side


Hammie Flow

B. Testing and training

1 min on 1 min off
Max UB

Pull ups

-if you go longer than 1 min keep going, max UB set

into 6 min EMOM
- starts at 6:00

odd - 30 sec max plank on left hand
even - 30 sec max plank on right hand

C. For time (9 min cap)

200m run
20 box jumps
30 wall balls
40 KB swings @ 24/16kg
50 burpees


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
1 length bear crawl
10 Goblet squats
30 sec hold in bottom of last goblet squat


Hip flow

3 x 15/side
- bodyweight only, no tempo, drive up fast
B2. Natural GHR 9 reps

C. OTmin for 10 min
2 thrusters
3 Overbar burpees

- score is heaviest 2 thrusters

FIT AS Friday

A. Warm Up

2 rounds
2 TGU/side
4 single arm single leg KB row
(bottom of drinking bird position)

Thoracic flow


Lion 4 - use 60/40kg

10 min AMRAP
20 SDHP @ 45/30kg
20 box jump overs
20 T2B

Rest 5 min

10 min AMRAP
25 RIng dips or push ups
25 KB swings @ 24/16kg
25 deadlifts

Rest 5 min

10 min AMRAP
10 pull ups
9 burpee over bar
8 wall walks



A. 2 rounds

10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks
10 air squats

Build to a 3RM - 15 min cap

B. Front Squat Build to a 1RM
15 min cap

C. 12 min EMOM

1. 30 sec max chin over bar hold
2. 30 sec max rear support hold
3. 30 sec max HS hold wall facing

Evolve barbell Thu

Foot and straight pull focus

BUild to a new 1RM snatch


Evolve barbell Sat

A. Split Jerk Technique

1. Jerk Balance 5 sets
2. Jump to split
3. Split Press

B. EMOM building to a max in 10 mins