Dec 21-26


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
1 length bear crawl and reverse crawl
5 steps duck walk forward
5 steps reverse
5 squat to stand

Hip Flow

A. Back Squat test Build to a 3RM

A2. Standing DB press
8 reps between Back squat attempts

B. 12 min EMOM
40 DUs or 60 singles
5 hand release burpee to a target

Workhorse 4 - increase burpee by 1


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 walking lunges
10 cossack squats 5/side


Foundation holds
Side plank ME 1x attempt/side

B. Deadlift
3 x 8 @ 60% 1RM

B2. Strict pull up
3 x ME UB
- partner assissted for max negatives with a min 3011 tempo

C. Karen

For time
150 wall balls
- 8 min cap


A. Warm Up

5 TGU/side
5 KB windmills/side


Shoulder Flow

B. Push press
Build to a new 1RM - 15 min cap

B2. Ring row partner adductor hold
8 reps between strict push press attempts

C. 2 rounds
Full 8 min rest btw rounds
- 6 min cap on each round

200m run
15 KB swings @ 24/16
25 burpees
15 kb swings
200m run

Lion 4 - 32/24kg

12 days of Creature Christmas / fit as friday

1 - HR push up or HSPU
2 - pistols or air squats
3 - T2B or K2E
4 - burpee to plate
5 - plate GTOH
6 - alternating reverse lunges
7 - DB Snatches
8 - frog sit ups
9 - KB goblet squats
10 - KB swings
11 - pull ups
1200m run or row

- 45 min cap





A. 2 rounds

10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks

B. GST (gymnastics strength training)
1 min on 1 min off
(3 sets of each exercise)
B1. HS Hold or HSPU strict
B2. Ring dip or support holds
B3. Active knee or L hang

C. FAT Helen

3 rounds
400m run
21 KB swings @ 32/24
12 CTB pull ups

EVOLVE Barbell Thu

No weightlifting.


Evolve barbell Sat

OH mobility focus

A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension

B. Split jerk technique