March 16-21


A. Warm up

3 rounds
5 Squat to stand
5 burpees into air squat
5 lying glute bridge/side


Hip Flow (including pigeon switch and cossack)

B. Back Squat

Build to a heavy set of 3 reps (not maximal)
3 x 3 @ 90% of above.

C. Conditioning

8 minute AMRAP

20-18-16-14… deadlifts @ 70/45kg 155/100#
10-9-8-7-6... burpee over bar




A. Warm Up

10 push ups
15 hollow rocks
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl


Thoracic flow

B. Push press

10 mins

Build to a heavy set of 3
2 x 5 @ 80% of above

C. Conditioning

2 min buy in AMRAP hang power clean @ 50/30kg 115/65#


5 min AMRAP

10 T2B
14 alt DB snatches @ 30/20kg



A. Warm up

with a light KB

2 rounds
10 KB swings
10 goblet squats
1 TGU/side
5 clean and press/side

Hip flow

B. 1 Power clean and Jerk, OTM for 10 mins

C. Conditioning

10 rounds

40/20 on/off

4 Burpee Box jumps
12 KB Swings @ 32/24kg

go from start each round



A. Warm Up

10 push ups
15 hollow rocks
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl


Thoracic flow

B. Strict Press

12 mins

Build to a heavy set of 3
2 x 5 @ 80% of above

C. Conditioning

21-15-9 (10 min cap)

Thrusters @ 40/25 95/65#
Bar facing burpee over the bar



A. Warm Up

3 rounds
10 wall slides
20 walking lunges arms overhead
30 sec HS Hold


Thoracic flow

B. 1 Snatch balance + 1 OHS OT2min for 10 min

C. Conditioning

For time (7 min cap)

25 Back squats @ 50/35kg 115/75#
15 Front Squats
5 thrusters



Warm up

with light KB
2 rounds
5 1 arm swings/side
10 goblet squats
2 TGU / side

A. Deadlift

5 x 3 @ 21X0

C. Conditioning

In Pairs

8 min AMRAP

2 deadlifts @ 60/40kg
2 burpee over bar

round for round increasing reps by 2 each round e.g. 4 deadlift, 4 burpee, 6 then 6 etc.

rest 2 min

8 min AMRAP

10 wall balls
can only complete reps whilst partner is holding the bar at top of deadlift
increasing wall balls by 2 each round. Both athletes must complete the round of 10 before moving to 12 etc.