A. Blood Flow
2 rounds (with a dowell)
10 FS
10 OHS
10 Sots press
A3. Hip Flow
B. Back Squat
Build to a heavy or maximal single in 20 mins.
C. Conditioning
11 min
Deadlifts @ 50/35kg 115/85
Reverse Lunges
9-6-3 (add 10kg /20lb)
Power clean
Front Squat
- score is DU’s, if no DU score is 0
A. Blood flow
2 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1/2 length crab walk
A3. Thoracic flow
B. Strict press
5-4-3-2-1 - for max load
B2. Between sets and attempts
3-5 weighted dowell pass throughs on floor
C. Team Tuesday Conditioning
In pairs
Run 400m (one person at a time)
8 min AMRAP (one person at a time)
5 burpee over the bar
5 S2O @ 60/40kg 135/95
Run 400m together
Score is total time and reps.
A. Blood Flow
with a light KB
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
5 KB windmills /side
5 single arm KB Swings/side
B. C&J - must be Squat Clean
1 OTMin for 10 min
D. Conditioning
2min on/ 1 min off x 4-5 rounds (dependent on time)
3 Power Cleans @ 85/50kg 185/115lb
5 Burpee
7 CTB Pull ups (level 4 monkey only), Pull Ups or Ring row (Monkey Levels 1-3)
- start each round from beginning
A. Blood Flow
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
3 burpee passing through air squat
5 scap push ups
B. Z Press
5 x 3 reps @ 2112 - rest 2 min
super set with 1 TGU/side SLOW
C. Conditioning
15 min EMOM
15/10 row - increasing 1 cal each round
1 round of Cindy (5/10/15 pull up/push up air squat) - LEVEL 4-5 Monkey 1 round of Nate (2/4/8 MU/HSPU/KB Swing @ 32)
A. Blood flow
3 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1 min DU Practice
A3. Thoracic flow
B. OHS Test
20 mins to build to a level Max
Notes: This would be to aim for the next level and try to achieve the requirement which could be a 5RM, 3RM etc.
C. Conditioning
3 complexes at increasing weights for heaviest load (cannot let go of bar)
4 pistols
16 DU's
10 thrusters
C. Conditioning - HERO WOD – McDonald & Galagher (modified)
In pairs
200m Run
32 Kbs @24/16
32 pull ups
200m Run
28 Kbs @24/16
28 pull ups
200m Run
24 Kbs @24/16
24 pull ups