A. Blood Flow
2 rounds (with a dowell)
7 FS
7 Sots press
A2. Stability/activation
2 rounds
10 banded skater squats (5/side)
A3. Hip Flow
B. Back Squat (complex method)
Build to 2 x 3 @ 85%
Notes: if feeling good go 85% if not go a bit less
B1. Back squats for speed
3 x 8 @ 55% - move with absolute maximum speed, Rest 2 min btw sets
C. Conditioning
10 min AMRAP
30 alt reverse KB lunges @ 32/24kg
30 KB swings @ 32/24kg
Rest 30 sec
A. Blood flow
2 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1/2 length crab walk
A2. Activation -
2 rounds
6 windmills /side
6 wall facing slides
A3. Thoracic flow
B. 3 Strict Press into 3 push press
4 working sets total - count anything more than the bar
B2. Between sets and attempts
5 cuban press on the wall with Fractional plates -
C. Conditioning
EMOM for 10 min
KB FR Walk for 30 sec - heaviest possible
A. Blood Flow
with a light KB
2 rounds
10 goblet squats
5 KB windmills /side
5 strict burpees
A2. Activation/stability
2 rounds
10 weighted floor facing dowell pass throughs
10 DB cuban press on wall
A3. Mostability flow -
B. 3 position Clean pull
4 x 1 @ free tempo
Notes: Floor, knee, mid thigh, all with aggressive shrug and extension
C. Jerk Presses
3 x 5 @ no tempo, rest 1 min
Notes: 6 presses with a light bar from the jerk catch position, bent knees bent hips head through each time, people with bad mobility can do it form BTN.
C. Conditioning
8 min AMRAP
10 T2B
10 DB Snatch @ moderate weight
10 push ups
A. Blood Flow
3 rounds
1 min skipping practice
5 burpee passing through air squat
A2. Activation/stability
3 rounds
5 scap push ups
1 30 sec thoracic bridge hold/side (break dance move)
10 weighted standing dwell pass throughs
A3. Thoracic flow (no thoracic bridge)
B. Z Press in pairs -
5 x 8 reps @ 2112 - rest 2 min
C. Conditioning
6 rounds (finish at 9min)
30 sec hang from bar
30 sec KB Hang cleans @ heaviest possible
30 sec max burpee to target
Notes - coaches allow time for transitions between movements e.g. tell them to transition at the 25-27sec mark.
A. Blood flow
2 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1/2 length crab walk
A2. Activation -
2 rounds
6 windmills /side
6 wall facing slides
A3. Thoracic flow
B. OH Complex
5 sets @ 60-65% best OHS
1 Snatch balance
4 OHS @ 2020
rest 2 min
C. Conditioning
3 complexes at increasing weights for heaviest load (cannot let go of bar)
30 DU’s straight into
5 deadlifts
4 squat cleans
3 fronts squat
2 push jerks