A. Blood Flow
2 rounds (with a dowell)
10 FS
10 OHS
10 duckwalk steps
A3. Hip Flow
B. Back Squat (start of hatch squat modified cycle)
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
Front squat
2 x 5 @ 70%
C. Conditioning
10 min EMOM
1 wall walk
5 goblet squats @ 32/24
10 Kb swings @ 32/24
- add 1 goblet squat each round
A. Blood flow
2 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1/2 length crab walk
A3. Thoracic flow
B. Strict press
1x3 + 2-5% on last week
superset with
10 sec active hang into 15 ring rows - M2
1-3 strict into 8 kipping pull ups - M3
1-3 strict into 6 kipping CTB pull ups - M4
C. Team Tuesday Conditioning
In teams of min 3 and max 6
Run 800m
50 wall balls
Run 650m
40 wall balls
Run 500m
30 wall balls
For time.
- must have at least one but no more than 2 people doing each interval. One person working at a time.
A. Blood Flow
with a light KB
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
5 KB windmills /side
5 single arm KB Swings/side
B. Deadlift
3x3 @ 75% @ no 20X0
superset with
20 reps 2 arm DB/KB row
D. Conditioning
'Half Cindy' - 10 min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
A. Blood Flow
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
3 burpee passing through air squat
4 spider man lunges w rotation
Hip flow
B. Back Squat
1*5 65%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
Front Squat
2x5 @ 70%
C. Conditioning
16 min OTmin
1 - 20/15 cal row
2 - 50 DUs, increasing by 5
3 - 20 alt BW lunges increasing by 2
4 - 1 power clean @ 100/60kg 225/135lb
A. Blood flow
3 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1 min DU Practice
A3. Thoracic flow
B. 5 sets - increasing on last week
10 HSPU (kipping or strict or mixed) at increasing deficits- Monkey Level 4
30 sec HS Hold into 8-10 DB Press @ 2020
Rest 2-3 min
C. 4 sets for max load.
10ft/4m HS walk or kick into wall and 15 sec free hold
8 push press
8 push jerk
Rest as needed.
A. Blood flow
3 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1 min DU Practice
A3. Thoracic flow
B. BTN Push press into OHS free tempo
3 sets
- rest 2 min
C. Conditioning in pairs - 25 min cap
10 min AMRAP in pairs
10 power snatches @ 40/25kg 95/65lb
30 DUs
10 min AMRAP in pairs
60 OH walking lunges with 20/15kg plate
30 T2B