A. Warm up
3 rounds
5 Squat to stand
5 burpees into air squat
5 lying glute bridge/side
Hip Flow
B. Back squat OT3min
1 x 5 @ no tempo 85%
1 x 4 @ 87%
1 x 3 @ 90%
B2. 5 TGU KB Situp portion only, heavier than last week
C. 6 min EMOM
10 sit ups
10 wall balls
6 min AMRAP
Burpee Box jump
Monkey level 4+ - 10 T2B and 30/24" box
- score is total reps in AMRAP minus missed reps from EMOM
D. Accessory Project
Reverse DB Flye 3 x12 reps
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 goblet squats
5 clean and press/side
mostability flow
B. Ring work
OTmin for 10 min
Monkey 1-2
odd - 5-20 sec HS Hold or wall walk
even - 5-20 sec chin over bar hold or hang
Monkey 3
odd - 1-5 kipping HSPU into HS hold for 10 sec on last rep
- add deficit if 5 easy
even - 1-5 Kipping CTB Pull ups
Monkey 4-5
even - 3-10 MU
odd - 50 DUs
C. 15 min AMRAP
200m Run
12 burpees to a target
24 DUs
Rest 30 sec
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 ball slams
10 rotational slams
- 5 each side
5 goblet squat thruster
into Shoulder flow
B. Power clean complex OTM for 10 min
1 Thruster from the floor
- EDGE members doing 60kg+ use a rack
C. 12 min AMRAP
KB Swings @ 32/24kg
Box jumps
D. Accessory project Accumulate 3 min hanging
A. Warm Up
50 walking lunges
every 10 reps perform 1 inch worm
Hammie Flow
B. Deadlift
3 x 7 @ 80%
B2. 5-10 hamstring curls/side on rings and box
C. In teams of 2-3 max distance on rower or airbike for 10 min
Alternating once partners have hit 15 burpees each after every chang over.
- score is total distance
A. Warm Up
15 strict burpees
2 rounds of
Wrist flow
with 30 sec plank, 5 finger push ups
7 min AMRAP
20 cal row
40 DUs
Rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP
20 Box jump over
10 pull ups
Monkey 4-5 = 5 MU
Rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP
4 front squats @ 50/35kg
8 T2B
Rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP
DB Burpee Step ups
- start on any 7 min AMRAP, order does not matter
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls
B. Partner WOD
Run 3 x 400m each going 1:1
200 wall balls
EVOLVE Barbell
A. 8 sets
Snatch Balance into OHS
A2. Full Snatch 8 x 1
- alternate between A1 and A2
B. Hang Power clean , power clean, build to a heavy 2
C1. 5 sots press from front rack with bar or DB
C2. 15 DB row/side
A1. Split jerk drills
A2. Clean drills
A.Clean and Jerk
10 x 1 on the 90 sec