Jan 4-9


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
1 bearcrawl up and reverse
1 crab walk
10 air squats


B. 5 min EMOM
1 clean
1 FS with 3 sec pause
1 jerk (any style)


5 min EMOM
1 power clean
1 jerk (any style)

- in both EMOMs do not exceed 75% 1RM C&J

C. 3 x 3 on / 2 off

10 DB snatches alt @20/10kg
8 T2B
6 DB thrusters

Lion 4 - 25/15kg


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 inch worms
10 spiderman lunges
1 length duck walk

3 x through
- 0.5-1 min rest between exercises

B1. With a barbell (add weight) Single leg RDL - 7/side

B2. Partner assissted Pull up 5-7 reps
- add weight if easy

B3. 2 heavy TGU/side

C. Intervals
in other words, faster/more reps every round

4 rounds
2 min on - 2 min off
Run 200m
8 KB swings @ 24/16kg
Max burpee box jump

Lion 4 - 32/16kg

- score is BBJ per round


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
1 length of 2 walking lunges 1 airsquat
1/2 length duckwalk forward
1/2 reverse


B. Back Squat
3 x 7 @ 21X1

- rest 2-3 min btw set
- 2 warm up sets before 1st working set

B2. Between sets
Banded hip flexion 30 sec hold
(on ground lyin in front of upright tie a band around ankles and hold knees to chest whilst forcing lumbr into ground)

C. Anaerobic Power

4 sets
For time:
8 HPC @ 50/30kg
4 FS

Rest as 2-3 min.
- all out efforts
- Lion 4 - 70/50kg


A. 6min EMOM
25 DUs
10 push ups
- 40 sec cap

Shoulder Flow

4 x 1 @ 55X1 + 1 @ no tempo

B2. Weighted dowell passthroughs floor facing
5 reps as narrow as possible

C. Partner WOD

10 min AMRAP - round for round
10 GTOH @ 40/25kg
30 DUs


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
1 length emu bobs
1 length reverse crawl
1/2 length bunny hops

Hammie Flow

B. Deadlift
4 x 1.1.1 @ 80%
Rest 20 sec / Rest 1min before B2.

B2. Strict Press
4 x 3 @ forehead to lockout + 3 full ROM
- pause at forehead before pressing

C. OT4min x 4 sets
Run 400m
ME HS hold


A. 2 rounds

10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks

B. GST (gymnastics strength training)
1 min on 1 min off
(3 sets of each exercise)
B1. Weighted ring rows (plate on chest)
with feet on box - 3-5reps
B2. Shoulder bridge hold
B3. Planche position push up hold

C. 15.3
14 min AMRAP
7 MU
50 WB
100 DU

Scaled 15.3
14 min
50 wall balls
200 SU'd]

Evolve Barbell Thu

A. Snatch progression work
20 min Empty bar drills

Max 3 TnG Snatch

Evolve barbell Sat

OH mobility focus

A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension

B. Split jerk technique