Monday - DELOAD
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
- 30 sec walking lunge
- 30 sec Top of push up hold/front support
(tight hollow position)
- 30 sec banded crab walk (glute activation)
15 sec per direction
- 5 standing vertical jumps
Hip Flow
B. Deadlift
3 sets
5 reps @ heaviest set from last week
- no tempo
- no bounce
B2. FR KB reverse lunge
20 reps alternating with goblet KB
- light
C. In pairs
12 min AMRAP
Round for round
12 burpee to plate
12 Goblet squats @ 32/24kg
Tuesday - DELOAD
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
5 KB windmill/side
15 sec star side plank
5 reps over head weighted good morning
Shoulder flow
B. Strict Press
5 x 5 @ heaviest set from last week
- no tempo
B2. Strict Pull Up (keep it sub maximal)
5 x 5
5 reps partner assissted pull ups
C. 10 min
50 on 10 off
30 DUs or 50 Singles
20 KB swings @ 24/16
Wednesday - RAMP UP
A. Warm Up
10/side single leg deadlift with 2 DBs
10 split squats with 2 DBs overhead
Hip Flow
B. Back Squat
3 x 5 speed sets @ 65% to warm up
then 10 mins to
Build to a 2RM
B2. 1 tall box jump in between heavier attempts
C. For time
104 wall balls
52 pull ups
6 min cap.
Thursday - TEST
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec rear support hold
20 banded good mornings
B. Clean Cycle
5 sets OTmin
1 power clean 1 squat clean
then into
3 sets OTmin
1 squat clean as heavy as possible
3-4 rounds
C1. Single leg deadlift 10 reps/side Wtd.
C2. Wtd Hanging shrug hold for 30-60 sec
C3. DB Lu raises 10 reps heavier
Friday - TEST
A. Warm up
3 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec inch worm
30 sec spider man lunge
Hip flow
B. Front squat
Build to a 3RM in 4-5 sets
B2. Pendlay BB row
5 reps light
B3. Gymnastics practice
1 ME attempt kipping pull up/CTB or TTB or BMU
C. 20 min EMOM
1 - 15 box jumps
2 - 10 deadlifts @ 80/60kg
3 - 10 ring dips or push ups
4 - 10 alternating DB snatches
Saturday - TEST
A. Warm Up
3 rounds with a dowell
20 sec hollow hold
20 sec arch hold
10 sots press
Shoulder flow
B. Push jerk from rack
5x5 light weight @ 65%
B2. 3 ME attampts
30 sec AMRAP HSPU or box HSPU
C. Open Workout 11.5
20 min AMRAP
5 PC @ 65/45kg
10 TTB
15 Wall balls
Creature ENDURANCE - testing
A. Strong feet
3 sets
5 x five's
Lying ankle circles
Seated Tib ant stretch 30 sec
B. Running Lab
3 sets
60 sec bunny hops
30sec/side wall heel pulls
30 sec/side run and pull
C. Running
2 x 400m warm up @ 60-75% pace
For distance:
15 min run.
Weightlifting Thursday - starts at 6:45pm
- REMINDER: Mark and Nath from Marrickville will be competing at the oddsocks weightlifting meet Sunday 16th , come show your support if you can :)
A. Body weight and dowell warm up
B. Empty bar drills warmup
C. Snatch Build to a 3RM from the Hang
D. Split jerk from the rack building to a max
Weightlifting Saturday
A. Body weight and dowell warm up
B. Empty bar drills warmup
C. Split jerk and push jerk drills
D. heavy clean and snatch pulls