Feb 15-21


A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
5 burpees


B. Front Squat
3 x 7 reps @ 90% of last week's 8 rep

B2. KB Goblet Cossack squat
3 x 10 (5/side)

C. For time
30 TTB
30 STOH @ 60/40kg
(min sets of 5 reps)
30 burpee over bar

- 10 min cap


A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
8 strict knee raises

5 min AMRAP
10 hollow rocks
10 arch rocks
10 kipping swings on bar

Monkey 4 - 2 Bar MU instead of kipping swings

B1.Heavy TGU 1/side
B2. DB Z-Press 5 reps

C. Intervals
2 min on / 1 min off x 5
10 DB Hang cleans @ 20/10/side
30 DUs


A. Warm Up
EMOM 5 min
15 DU
4 pistols or 8 feet together squats


B. Deadlift
3 x 7 @ 90% of last weeks 8

B2. Ring strength
5 deep ring push ups

Monkey 3 - 5 deep ring dips
Monkey 4 - 5-10 kipping MU

C. 5 min ARMAP
50 box jumps

Rest 3 min

3 min AMRAP
Burpee Box jumps


A. Warm up
5 min EMOM
15 DUs
5 V snaps

Shoulder Flow

B. Push Press
3 x 5
- overall increase on last week
- total kg must be more

B2. 3 x 30 sec ME strict pull up
- partner assissted as needed
Monkey 4 - CTB strict

C. 10 min AMRAP
30 wall balls
100m farmers walk
Rest 30 sec


A. Warm up
5 min EMOM
15 DUs
5 V snaps

Shoulder Flow

B. Back Squat
3 x 5
Increase by 2-3% on heaviest set from last week

B2. Leg lift from side plank
3 x 10reps/side
- glute activation

C. Partner interval work
KB swing 24/16
Pull up

Monkey & Lion 4 - CTB 32/24kg

Partner 1 - 21's
Partner 2 - 21's
Partner 1 - 15's


A. Partner Warm up
2 rounds
20 wall ball parner
20 partner ball thrusters
20 footy passes

Shoulder flow

B. OHS technique
(taken from floor every time - PC to back rack or PS)

5 x 5 @ 60% of approx 1RM

C. For time
400m medball run
20 empty bar thrusters
30 box jumps
40 wall balls
50 burpees

- 15 min cap

EVOLVE barbell Thursday

Snatch progression cycle

Evolve barbell Sat

OH mobility focus

A. narrow grip OHS training.
- ankle mobility
- T rotation
- hip mobility
- shoulder extension

B. Split jerk technique