May 2-7


A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 bear crawl for/rev
5 strict burpees through squat
10 kipping swings on bar

Hip Flow

B. Back Squat
2 x 8 @ 50% no tempo
3 x 3 @ 42X2
Rest 2-3 min

B2. Single leg work - step up
RFESS @ free tempo
3 x 6/side

C. Strength Accessories
3 rounds for quality

A1. Hanging straight leg/knee raises strict
w/ plate between feet
Max Reps

A2. Double KB FR hold AHAP
Max time possible at parallel squat

A3. Standing DB press 6-8 reps
Monkey 4 - strict HSPU 70% ME


A. Warm Up
2 rounds w/ dowell
10 pass throughs
10 OHS
5 sots press

Shoulder Flow

B. Push Press
- from floor
Build to a 1RM

B2. Double arm DB row standing
4 x 9 reps
- between attempts on PP

C. Grip Strength
EMOM 12 min
1 - 30 sec ME KB swing @ 16/12kg
2 - 30 sec ME double KB hang PC
3 - 30 sec ME Farmers carry hold

Lion 3 - 24/16
Lion 4 - 32/24kg

- score is KB swings + cleans
- minus 10 reps every time you break on farmers carry hold


A. Warm Up
3 rounds
10 med ball squats
10 OH med ball lunges
10 Medball russian twists

Hammie Flow

B. Front Squat
2 x 8 @ 50% no tempo
3 x 3 @ 42X2
Rest 2-3 min

B2. Single leg DB glute bridge
3 x 5/side with 5 sec hold at top each rep

C. 10 min AMRAP
2 burpee pull up
4 burpee box jump
8 alt DB or hang KB snatch @ 25/15kg

Monkey 4 - burpee MU


A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats

B. Explosive repeat method
12 min EMOM
3 CJ @ 65% AFAP

C. Strength work

C1. Partner assissted GHR
4 x 5 reps

4 x 10 reps no tempo


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
15 goblet squats
15 hollow rocks
15 super man rocks

B. Deadlift with band
4 x 5 with light band tension
- share bars
- build to no more than 65% of 1RM on bar

B2. Strict pull up
4 x 4-5 @ 30X0
- partner assissted

Monkey 4 - add weight

C. Partner intervals
15 min AMRAP
Alt rounds
3 cleans @ 60/40kg
2 thrusters
1 Jerk


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls

B. Single Leg lunge work
barbell front rack rev alt lunges
3 x 12 total

B2. Kipping pull up
3 x 90% ME

C. Helen
3 rounds
Run 400m
21 kb swings @ 24/16kg
11 pull ups