A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 bear crawl for/rev
5 strict burpees through squat
10 kipping swings on bar
Hip Flow
B. Back Squat
2 x 8 @ 62-5% no tempo
3 x 3 @ 11X2
Rest 2-3 min
B2. Single leg work
RFESS @ free tempo
3 x 5/side
- heavier than last week
C. Strength Accessories
3 rounds for quality
A1. Tempo V-snaps
@ 2020
Max Reps
A2. Double KB Squat @ 5050
Max reps (1 min cap)
A3. Standing DB press 6 reps
Monkey 4 - strict HSPU 70% ME, add deficit
A. Warm Up
2 rounds w/ dowell
10 pass throughs
10 OHS
5 sots press
Shoulder Flow
B. Pushpress + Push Jerk
4 x 3 + 3
- building every set
B2. SIngle arm DB row
4 x 10/side @ 2020
- between attempts on PP
C. Grip Strength
EMOM 12 min
1 - 40 sec ME KB Russian swing 1 bell per hand@ 16/12kg
2 - 40 sec ME farmers carry
Lion 3 - 24/16
Lion 4 - 32/24kg
- score is KB swings + snatches
- minus 10 reps every time the KB touches the ground during work periods
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
10 med ball squats
10 OH med ball lunges
10 Medball russian twists
Hammie Flow
B. Front Squat
2 x 8 @ 62-5% no tempo
3 x 3 @ 11X2
Rest 2-3 min
B2. Single leg DB glute bridge
3 x 4/side with 5 sec hold at top each rep
C. 11 min AMRAP
50 wall balls
40 burpee box jumps
30 power snatches @ 40/25kg
(must be in UB sets of 3)
200m run
Lion 4 - 55/35kg
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats
B. Explosive repeat method
12 min EMOM
3 PC @ 80%
3 burpee over bar AFAP
C. Strength work
C1. Partner assissted GHR
4 x 8 reps
4 x 6 reps no tempo
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
15 goblet squats
15 hollow rocks
15 super man rocks
B. Deadlift with band
5 x 3 with medium band tension
- share bars
- build to no more than 75% of 1RM on bar
B2. Strict pull up
4 x 3 @ 21X1
- partner assissted
B3. Wtd dowell passthrough
5 x 6 reps
- floor facing
Monkey 4 - add weight
C. Partner intervals
10 min AMRAP
Getting through the work together breaking up as needed
50 TTB
50 DB thrusters @ 20/10/side
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls
B. Fit as Saturday
30 min AMRAP
200m farmers carry AHAP
40 FR KB reverse alt lunge on spot
60 DUs
Rest 1 min