A. Warm Up
3 rounds
2 TGU with medball/side
8 strict burpees
16 lunges on spot
Hip Flow
B. Front Squat
10-8-6-4-2 @ 11X3
- The focus of the next 5 weeks is rack position posture and strength
B2. Single arm upright row
4 x 8-10 per side, with eccentric control
Cycle goal = 33% BW x reps of ME pull ups per side
C. Strength Accessories
4 rounds for quality
C1. Single sided suitcase BB deadlift 5 reps moderate weight
C2. KB FR holds on parallel 30-45sec range
A. Warm Up
2 rounds w/ dowell
10 pass throughs
10 hollow rocks dowell over head
Partner shoulder extension stretch 60 sec
B. 10 min EMOM
Clean deadlift + Clean pull
- pick a moderate weight
C. 20 min AMRAP @ 75-80% effort
10 TTB
10 burpee to target
20 Box jumps
20 Kb swings
30 DUs
30 wall balls
- do not slow down, must pick a sustainable pace
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 air squats
10 squat rotations
5 inch worms
Hammie Flow
B. Back squat speed day
4 x 3 @ AHAP with out losing speed
- most people between 65-70%
- controlled eccetnric FAST UP
B2. Single arm upright row
4 x 8-10 per side, with eccentric control
C. 6 min AMRAP
5 powercleans @ 60/40
5 burpee over bar
5 pull ups
Monkey 4 - CTB
Lion 4 - 80/60kg
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats
3 x 10/side no tempo
B2. Partner GHR
3 x 6-8
- open hip, eccentric only with push ups for concentric
C. Upper body strength circuit
3-4 rounds for quality
A. 3- 5 wall walks with 10 sec nose to wall hold at top
A2. Ring support hold - Max effort
Scale to push up support hold
A3. Side plank on hand, feet elevated on box
30 sec /side
A4. Deck Squat 15 reps or 10 single leg
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
15 hollow rocks
15 super man rocks
1 length bear crawl
B. Overhead squat progression work
3 x 5 - building to moderate, no tempo
For those who cannot over head squat
B1. Single arm KB Overhead squat
3 x 5/side
B2. Medball stretch with plate
3 x 5 with 5 sec hold overhead, ribs down
C. C. For time (9 min cap)
200m run
20 box jumps
30 wall balls
40 KB swings @ 24/16kg
50 burpees
A. Warm Up
In pairs
30 medball footy passes (alt sides)
30 ball thrusters
30 russian twists side by side
B. 40 min EMOM
1 - 1 squat clean thruster @ 90%
2 - 45 sec AMRAP 5 pull ups 30 DUs
3 - Run 100m with medball
4 -Rest
Monkey 4 - 3 ring MU or 5 CTB