Aug 15-20


DELOAD 1/2 week

A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 air squats narrow
10 air squats regular
10 air squats wide
10 bodyweight good mornings

Hip Flow

B. Box squat
(at or above parallel)
5 x 4 @ 60%
- focus on wider stance and speed off box

5 x 8/side
- no tempo
- light DB or just body weight
- this will build up so start slow

C. 3 rounds
C1. Side plank on elbow (weighted, DB on hip)
30 sec/side
C2. Heavy Double KB walk 60 sec UB
C3. Seated floor leg lifts 25 reps
C4. Dragon flye 3-5 reps


Deload day 2

A. Warm Up
3 rounds
30 sec/side waiters carry with a plate
10 shrimp squats/side

Hammie Flow

B. 10 min EMOM (from the floor)
4 Push Press
1 Push Jerk

@ 50% 1RM CJ

C. 20 min @ sustained pace
50 DUs
10 wall balls
200m run
Rest 1 min


Deload day 3

A. Warm Up
10 cook bridge/side
10 1 arm DB walking lunge/side

Hip Flow

B. Front Squat
5 x 5 @ 60% across

B2. Lateral box step up
5 x 8/side

C. 7 min AMRAP
30 box jumps
30 DB alt snatch @ 30/20


Deload end

A. Warm Up

3 rounds
10 weighted dowell passthroughs
5 KB windmills/side
1-3 skin the cat on rings or bar (scale to 30 sec rear support)
1 arm hang 10-20 sec/side or 30 sec 2 arm hang

B. EMOM 30 min

Min 1 - 5 -10 pull ups
Min 2 - 15 wall balls
Min 3 - 1 TGU/side

monkey 4 - CTB
Lion 4 - heavy ball


A. Warm up
3 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec inch worm
30 sec spider man lunge

5 x 5 @ 60%

B2. Pendlay BB row
5 x 5
(goal of this cycle is to build towards 50% 1RM deadlift with impecable form)

B3. Upright DB row
5 x 8/side

C. In pairs round for round
AMRAP in 12 minutes
14 KB snatch (7/side)
7 burpee box jumps


A. Warm Up

B. Clean pulls with pauses
12 min EMOM
1 clean pull with 10 sec pause at knee
1 clean pull

C. 20 min AMRAP
In teams of 2
400m KB carry with 1x24kg and 1x32kg
400m medball carry (1 ball per pair)
400m run together
40 DB burpee