A. Warm Up
2 rounds
- 30 sec walking lunge
- 30 sec Top of push up hold/front support
(tight hollow position)
- 30 sec banded crab walk (glute activation)
15 sec per direction
- 5 standing vertical jumps
Hip Flow
B. Deadlift
6 sets
3 reps @ 30X0
- building, mod-tough
- do not go maximal
B2. Front foot elevated lunge
6 x 5/side
- moderate
C. In pairs
10 min AMRAP
Round for round
6 burpees
30 DUs
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
5 KB windmill/side
15 sec star side plank
5 reps over head weighted good morning
Shoulder flow
B. Strict Press
5 x 5 @ 31X1
B2. Strict Pull Up
5 x 5 @ 21X1
- use a partner to help maintain the tempo
- no bands
C. 10 min
30 on 30 off
Max DB or KB thruster
alternate with
Max box jump
A. Warm Up
10/side single leg deadlift with 2 DBs
10 split squats with 2 DBs overhead
Hip Flow
B. Back Squat
3 x 8 - light and fast
3 x 3 - moderate to heavy
B2. 1 heavy TGU/side
C. 6 min AMRAP
60 wall balls
ME pull ups
Monkey 4 - Ring or Bar MU
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec rear support hold
20 banded good mornings
B. Clean Cycle
5 sets OT2.5min
Clean pull @ 1050
Full clean with 5 sec pause in bottom
B2. 10 weighted dowell passthroughsin between cleans
3-4 rounds
C1. 30 sec wall sit into 8 air squats @ 5050
C2. 25 push ups with band wrapped
C3. DB Lu raises 10 reps
monkey 4 - ring dips
A. Warm up
3 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec inch worm
30 sec spider man lunge
Hip flow
B. Front squat
4 x 3 @ 33X1
B2. Pendlay BB row
4 x 10 reps
- perfect form
B3. Gymnastics practice
- sub maximal (50% effort)
Kipping Pull / CTB / Bar MU
C. 15 min AMRAP
25 kb Swings @24/16
25 box jumps
400m run or row
rest 30 sec
A. Warm Up
3 rounds with a dowell
20 sec hollow hold
20 sec arch hold
10 sots press
Shoulder flow
B. Push jerk from rack
5 x 3 with pause in catch
B2. Box HSPU or Pike HSPU
5 x 8 reps UB
C. 20 min AMRAP in teams of 3
100 burpees over the bar
100 Power cleans @ 50/30kg
600m run or 100 cal row