A. Warm Up
2 rounds
Deck squat 5 reps
Lateral standing leg lift 10/side
Dive bomber 3 reps
30 sec bear crawl
B. Sandbag complex
4 sets - As heavy as possible
10 lunges with sand bag on shoulder
20m walk on shoulder
drop into
4 sandbag squats holding infront
20m walk
4 squats
C. Conditioning
1 min on 1 min off
3 sets
C1. Wall ball
C2. Row or bike
C3. Single arm KB push press (swap at 30 seconds)
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 TGU/side
10 1-arm russian KB swings/side
5 KB CJ /side
B. KB training
3 sets
B1. KB FR squat 3 sets ME reps in 1 minute
B2. DB single leg deadlift 3 x 5/side - light
- move for quality here
C. Grip endurance
15 min AMRAP
400m sandbag carry
400m run
400m farmers carry
20 push ups
A. Warm up
2 rounds
20 walking lunges
10 spiderman lunges
10 glute bridges
B. BB Revese alt lunge
4 x 4 steps into a 20 sec hold
- all FR postition
B2. Kneeling jumps
4 x 5 reps
- build on last week
C. In pairs
12 min AMRAP
- share the work
30 deadlifts @ 100/60
30 burpee over bar
30 TTB
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
10 dowell passthroughs
30 sec reverse plank
30 sec hollow hold
B. Upper body strength circuit
4 sets
B1. Weighted ring row 3 reps
into 3 reps no weight
B2. Top of pull up hold - 60 sec cap
B3. 7 DB Z-Press
C. Metcon
3 min
10 KB swings
10 burpees
straight into
3 min
Max distance run or on rower
A. Warm up
2 rounds
5 scap push ups slow
5 push ups
2 dive bombers
20 band pull aparts
B. Bench Press (any grip)
4 x 2.2
- rest 30 sec between clusters
- controlled tempo no bounce
B2. Seated rotator cuff external rotation
3 x 8/side @ 3010
4 rounds
2 on 2 off
50 DUs
20 reverse alt lunges on spot
20 air squats
- start form top each time
A. Warm up
3 rounds
30 sec revese bear crawl
30 sec superman rock
30 sec alt thoracic bridge
B. Empty Bar warm up
B. Power clean complex
OT2min for 10 min
Banded dead lift
2 reps
- moderate weight
- moderate tension
C. WOD in pairs
12 min AMRAP
Round for round
4 sandbag to shoulder
6 burpee to a target
8 boxjumps
A. Strongfeet
2 sets
A1. Ankle circles 6 reps
- 3 clockwise then 3 anti clockwise
- lying on your back
A2. Fives
- hold light DBs to make it harder
B. Running Lab drills
B1. 60 sec run and pull
B2. 60 sec running and skipping
C. In teams of 3
20 mins to
ME cals on the bike or rower
A. 400m Sandbag carry
B. Divide into 4 teams
Team yolk carry
Team prowler
Team Farmers carry
Team tyre crawl