May 22-27


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 russian twists with medball
30 sec bear crawl
10 medball deck squats
10 medball around the head rotations from bottom of the squat

B. Front Squat
3 x 3 no tempo

B2. Sandbag clean to shoulder
3 x 3/side

B3. DB Pendlay row
3 x 20 total
- undergrip, palms face forward
- row 1 DB at a time but hold both

C. Conditioning
EMOM 12 min
1 - KB complex - 40 sec ME
(3 deadlifts, 3 power cleans, 3 Front squats)
2 - Hanging L sit or tuck sit 40 sec ME
3 - Double unders 40 sec ME


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
30 sec reverse plank
30 sec thoracic bridge
3 slow shoulder circles/side CARs

B1. Z press with DB 4 sets of:
2 @ 5050
6 reps @ 2020
max reps no tempo

B2. Box or pike push up 4 x 3 or Strict HSPU 3-6 reps
- add deficit if needed

B3. Push up 4 x Max reps in 15 seconds
or Ring dips strict ME in 20 sec

C. Grip endurance
6 min AMRAP - in pairs
ME cals on rower or bike whilst partner holds sandbag

Rest 1 min

6 min AMRAP - in pairs
40 TTB
40 box jumps
40 burpees

- split work as needed


A. Warm up
In pairs
50 burpees (swap every 5)


B1. Sandbag over the shoulder
4-5 sets
3 squats
6 lunges
then swap sides and go on other side

B2. Double KB suitcase deadlift
4 x 10 reps
- add tempo if KB are not heavy enough

C. Conditioning
15 min @ continuous pace
200m farmers carry or 2 min hold
30 alt DB snatch
30 alt DB C&J

-DB must stop at shoulder for a CJ


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
30 sec hip crawl
30 sec balancing squat on toes with knees just off floor
3 dive bomber

B. Upper body strength circuit
4 sets
B1. Pendlay Row 4 x 3 @ 2222 into 3 reps no tempo - heavy
B2. Top of ring row hold 35 sec
B3. Strict pull up 4 x 90% ME if partner assissted 5 reps max
- try to hit similar pull up reps to last week

C. Metcon
Chipper in pairs (sharing work)

8 min AMRAP
DB Weighted step ups


8 min AMRAP
DB walking lunges
whilst partner holds wall sit


A. Warm up

2 rounds
3 inchworms
6 burpee into squat


B. 18 min conditioning
10 DB burpees
20 reps renegade row moving forward down the gym
30 sec hollow hold (can add weight)
2 TGU/side

C. For time - sprint
30/20 cal airbike or 40/30 cal row
30 burpee box jumps

- 5 min cap


A. Warm up

2 rounds
20 shoulder taps from front support
30 sec hollow rock or hold
20 emu bobs

B. Empty Bar warm up

B. Power clean complex
EMOM 10 min
1 power clean with 5 sec pause at knee on the way up

C. In teams of 3 - split work however

20 min AMRAP

300 wall balls
200 KB swings @ 24/16
400m run together
100 TTB


A. Strongfeet

2 sets - no shoes
A1. 60 sec of bunny hops
A2. 1 min single leg balancing passing lacrosse balls in pairs
(swap balancing leg at 30 sec)
A3. 10 squats on toes

B. Running Lab drills
2 sets
B1. Standing heel pull 10 reps/side
B2. Run and skip 60 sec

C. Marrickville
6 sets
1 min sandbag hold into
2 min run @ 70%
Rest 1 min

C2. Edgecliff & Bondi
Row or bike
6 sets
1 min sandbag hold into
2 min cycle or row @ 70%
Rest 1 min


A. Sleds in car park
20 min AMRAP in groups

B. Sandbag walk
20 min AMRAP
in 2 or 3 or 4