July 17-22


Warm Up
200m med ball jog Hip Flow
Hip CARs p/s

b) Strength
b1) Box Squat build and then consistent 3x5 at 7 RPE
b2) Perform 1 explosive light Sandbag or heavy wall ball throw over head in between each set

c) 2 min on:2 min off for 3 rounds
15/10 cal row (rx) or bike (45 sec cap) or run 200m straight into AMRAP Double KB Hang Squat Cleans 24/16

d) Stretch
Accumulate 2 mins of hanging/monkey bars/hip taps.



Warm Up
2 min DUs. Thoracic Flow Shoulder CARs p/s

b) Strength
b1) Barbell Strict Press 8,10,12
b2) SA DB Row with hand on bench or box 3x8 Tempo 20X1 Time Under tension 32 seconds b3) Black Burns 3x5 SLOW
b4) S-Waves 3x10 SLOW

c) Metcon
8 min AMRAP
50 DUs (200 singles)
40 Single DB Push Press in sets of 5 each arm) 22.5/15kg 30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20 TTB

d) Stretch
2 min static front split each side



Warm Up
200m sandbag carry in groups of 2-4 Wrist PAILs/RAILs
Primal Crawls

b) Strength
Sumo Deadlift build and then 8,10,12.

c) Posterior chain and Unilateral work
c1) Double DB Stiff-leg DL 3x8 tempo 30X0 TUT 32secs
c2) LOW box step-ups 3x8 (4 p/s) alternating. First set in bear-hug hold, second set on right shoulder, 3rd set left shoulder.
c3) Barbell Landmine Row into Press 3x3 p/s. Heavy but powerful.
c4) Partner GHR 3x5 reps SLOW negative

d1) Jeffersen Curl 3x1 with 2 second pause at bottom



a) Warm Up
Walking high knee and raise onto toe
Walking Single Leg quad stretch plus toe touch Swing leg over gate into sumo squat
3 Ankle CARs p/s

b) Explosive
3 sets per side of 3 reps of single arm rotational med ball throw.

c) Upper body Strength
c1) Strict Ring Dip or Strict Ring Push Up 3 sets of submax (7 RPE) with Tempo 21X1. c2) Strict Ring pullup or Ring Row 3 sets of submax (7RPE)
c3) Front support slider walks 3x5 seconds

d) Metcon
3 rounds on the 3 min
Run 200m
AMRAP until the 2 minute mark Burpee RING MUs (rx) or Burpee Pull-up/Burpee to target

d2 Skin the cat 3x1 with 2 second pause



Warm Up
2 min DUs practise. If doing singles have one attempt at DUs every 30 secs. If have 50+ DUs have one attempt at triple unders every 30 seconds.
Thoracic Flow
3 Thoracic CARs p/s

b) Metcon Fit as Friday
30 min EMOM
1) 15/10 cal bike (rx) or row. (45 sec cap)
2) 12 box jump 24/20
3) 12 Alt DB Snatch 22.5/15
4) AMRAP Wall Balls 20/14
5) Rest
Rx score is total Wall Balls.
Rx+ is 30/24 inch box, 32.5/20 DB, 30/20lb WB.




Warm Up
200m sandbag carry in groups of 2-4 Wrist PAILs/RAILs
Primal crawls

b) Strength
Clean Complex: 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
3 reps OT2 min for 10 mins build to heavy but not max.
Perform 1 Kneeling jump into vertical squat jump before each set

c) Metcon
6 rounds: 1 min on:2min off
5 Hang Power Cleans @60/40
Alternating AMRAP HSPU/Push Up and CTB until the 1 min mark Rx score is total HSPU+CTB

d) Stretch
Side split stretch 2 mins


Saturday Strongman

HEAVY sandbag squats 3 hard efforts

Sandbag 3-8 push press into 5 second OH walk Prowler sprint+Rope Pull 3x3 hard efforts