July 3-8


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
10 walking lunges
2 Hip CARs per side
10 cossack squats
30 sec front plank

B. Wide stance Box Squat
3 x 2 reps @ 50X2 + 2 with no tempo
- build to heavy

B2. Sandbag TGU
3 x 3/side

C. Strength Circuit

3 rounds
C1. Tempo sandbag squat 10-12 reps @ 21X1
C2. RFESS wtd 4/side @ 30X1
C3. Wtd Lateral step up 5/side with KB in FR


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
30 sec alt thoracic bridge
30 sec push ups
30 sec rear support

30 reps not for time
DB or Frac plate rear delt flye

B1. Bench Press 3 x 4 @ 20X1

B2. 60 sec pike stretch with parner pushing back to create greater stretch
Seated leg lift 20-30 (10-15/side) reps x 3

B3. Weighted plank with Sandbag on back 3 x 90% ME (2 min cap)

C. EMOM 15min
1 - 10 DB burpees
2 - 50 DUs
3 - 10-15 push ups or ring dips strict

- you must stick to the reps you choose each round


A. Warm up
30 sec duck walk
10 alt shinbox
5 inchworm with push up


B1. Banded Good morning KB deadlift
3 x 5 reps @ 20X1 in band
8 reps no band no tempo AFAP

B2. Partner GHR
4 x 7-10

B3. KB Drinking bird
4 x 5/side

C. 4 rounds at 100%
15 sec cal sprint on bike or rower
10 burpees AFAP
Rest 2 min

Rest as needed btw rounds

- 15 min cap


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
5 squats wide
5 regular
5 narrow
5 deck squats
1 min/side weighted calf stretch
60 sec heel walking for shin activation

DB single arm OHS progressions

B1. 2 arm alt DB or KB sots press 10 reps.
- vary squat depth as needed

B2. Weighted OH stretch on box
4 x 90 sec dynamic reps

B3. SA DB walking lunge or OHS
4 x 10 slow and controlled or 10 steps/side
- increase of reps

C. 10 min AMRAP
20 wall balls
15 box jumps


A. Warm up
2 rounds
1 min spiderman lunges
5 squats on toes
5 vertical jumps


B. Full Clean
3 x 1+1 (first rep 1 sec pause at knee during pull and 1 sec pause in bottom of clean)

B2. Barbell curl
3 x 20 reps

B3. Lying Barbell skull crushers
3 x 8-10

C. 7 intervals
60 on 60 off
6 DB thrusters @ 22/15
6 pull ups or CTB
6 KB swings @ 32/24

- pick up where you left off


A. Warm up
2 rounds
30 sec emu bobs
5 inchworms
30 sec super man rock

Posterior chain strength

B. Barbell reverse lunges
3 x 6/side moderate

B2. Death march with DBs
3 x 20 steps

B3. Side plank with hip touch
3 x 15/side

B4. Heavy barbell glute bridge
3 x 4

C. Partner Chipper - in pairs
3 stations for max reps

Station 1 - 12 min
Max cals on bike or rower or 200m runs

Station 2 - 12 min
30 squat cleans @75/50
30 burpee over bar


A. Strongfeet
2 sets
- no shoes
A1. 60 sec of bunny hops going forward
A2. 1 min single leg mini broad jump and land/side
A3. Single leg balance eyes closed 30sec/side
or if easy 5 drinking birds/side eyes closed

B. Running Lab drills

2 sets
B1. Single skips on one leg 30sec/side
B2. Run and skip on spot 60 sec

C. Marrickville & Edgecliff
20 min - OT4min
500m Run

- negative splits

C. Bondi
20 min - OT4min
500m row

- negative splits


A. Sandbag heavy carries with FR yolk walk

C. Sled sprints in car park