a) Warm Up
10 Walking Lunges
10 Air Squats
10 Alternating Rebounding Lunge Jumps
10 Rebounding Squat Jumps
Hip Flow
3 Hip CARs p/s
b) Strength
b1) Back Rack Reverse Lunge 3x10 alt
b2) Sandbag squat 3x hard effort straight into hard sandbag carry
c) Metcon
3 Rounds OT4 min for fastest time each interval:
15/10cal bike (rx) or 15/10 cal row (45 sec cap) or 200m run
10 Burpee to target
5 DB Hang Squat Clean 22.5/15
Scoring: Total time for 3 rounds.
d) Stretch
Accumulate 2 mins of hanging/monkey bars/hip taps.
a) Warm Up
200m med ball jog
10 Strict Burpee + strict pullup
Shoulder CARs
b) Strength
b1) Snatch Grip BTN Strict Press 6,8,10
b2) Underhand Yates row 3x10 TUT 40 secs
b3) Blackburns 3x5 TUT 40 secs. Add weight for challenge
b4) Renegads Row 3x20alt
c) Metcon:
8 min AMRAP
Run 400m
into AMRAP
8 CTB/Pullups
10 KB CJ 24/16 (5 alt p/s)
Rx is CTB and SHSPU
Scoring is rounds and reps after run.
d) Stretch
2 min Couch stretch in spiderman position each side. Make stretch active. Explore different positions eg. drive elbow down, rotate torso, push knee out, upright torso, squeeze glute.
Warm Up
200m sandbag carry in groups of 2-4
Wrist CARs
Bear crawl forwards and backwards
Lizard Crawl
Ape Walk sidewards
Crab Walk
Ostrich Wall
b) Strength
Barbell RDL 6,8,10
c) Gains circuit
c1) Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10
c2) Tempo Pistol 3x4 p/s 5050
c3) Barbell SA Landmine Press 3x10 p/s
c4) Banded downward Woodchop 3x10 p/s
d) Stretch
Jeffersen Curl 3x1 with 2 second pause at bottom
a) Warm Up
Walking high knee and raise onto toe
Walking Single Leg quad stretch plus toe touch
Swing leg over gate into sumo squat
3 Ankle CARs p/s
10 sec Bunny Hops
1 rep wall-walk complex
b) Plyometrics
Wall Ball/ Slam Ball 1/2 squat and two-hand chest throw 3x3
d) Gymnastics Strength
d1) Archer Push Ups 3x10(4p/s) TUT 32 seconds. Tempo 1111
d2) Archer Ring Rows 3x10 (4ps) Tempo 1111 TUT 32 secs
d3) Strict TTB 3x submax (1 in the tank)
d4) S-Wave 3x10 (5p/s) . TUT 40 secs. Hold fractionals for challenge.
e) Metcon
3 rounds OT4min
Run 400m (2min30sec cap) or Row 400m (2 min cap)
1 set UB Set Bar MU/TTB+ 1 set UB Ring Dip/Push Up
Scoring is total Bar MU/TTB + Ring Dip/Push Up over workout
Rx is TTB + Ring Dip
Rx+ is Bar MU + Ring Dip
f) Stretch
Skin the cat 3x1 with 2 second pause
a) Warm Up
2 min DUs practise. If doing singles have one attempt at DUs every 30 secs. If have 50+ DUs have one attempt at triple unders every 30 seconds.
5 Inchworm +Scorpian
Thoracic CARs
b) Metcon
30 min EMOM
1) 50 DUs/150 singles
2) 10 DB Burpee 22.5/15
3) 10 Box Jumps Overs 24/16
4) AMRAP Cal Row 45sec
5) Rest
c) Stretch
a) Warm Up
40 Partner Wall Balls (20 each ie. 10 each side)
Thoracic Flow
Scap CARs
b) Strength
b1) 1 broad jump 30 seconds before each set
b2) Power Clean + 2 Pause FS. Double bounce out of squat after pause is ok.
c) Metcon
5 rounds 1 min on 2 min off
5 OHS 40/25,
AMRAP Wall Balls 20/14
Rx is 40/25kg BB and 20/14 lb Wall Ball
Rx+ 60/40 kg BB and 30/20lb WB
Scoring: total Wall Balls over workout
d) Stretch
2 mins to accumulate time in alternating cossack
Farm Strength Edgecliff
20 mins on each station, any order
a) 3x3 hard efforts of rope pull. Heavier than last week.
b1) 3 hard efforts of DB Fat grip farmers carry. Longer than last week.
b2) 3 hard efforts of OH SB carry. Goal 30-45secs. Heavier/longer than last week.
Farm Strength Marrickville
15 mins on each station, any order
a) 3x3 hard efforts of rope pull inside. Heavier than last week
b) 3 hard efforts of 60m farmers carry outside. Heavier than last week
c) 3 hard efforts of 60m OH Yoke Carry outside. If Yoke too heavy, perform SB OH Carry for 3 hard efforts. Goal 30-45 secs. Heavier than last week