a: Warm Up
200m med ball jog
2 rounds:
6 Side shuffle under hurdle
10 Step and swing over hurdle
3x2 vertical jump and reach (side to wall, alternate arm)
Daily skill specific warm up
b: Strength
b: Overhead squat with tempo 1111
4 reps every second minute for 5 sets.
Perform Snatch grip push press or front squats if unable to OHS.
c: Metcon
OT4min for 4 sets
15/10 cal AB/rower (45 sec cap) into
16 alternating DB snatch 22.5/15. (2 min cap) NEW OPEN DB Snatch STANDARD
d: Cool Down
100m barefoot walk and/or 2min monostructural flush. Aim for nasal breathing
e: Extras
Front Foot Elevated (on plate) reverse lunge. 3x10 p/s. Hold DBs by side.
Slider/Fit Ball Hamstring Curls 3x10
Calf Raise (from floor) 15 toes in, 15 toes out, 15 toes forward
f: Stretch
Day 7 of Squat/Hang challenge
7 min EMOM
30 second relaxed squat hold + 20 sec rest (blood back to head) + 10 second passive/active hang/swing/kip
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
15 sec Front Support
15 sec Side plank (on hand)
15 sec Rear Support
15 sec Side plank (other hand)
30 second rest
3x3 p/s rotational med ball throw
Daily Skill specific warm up
b: Strength
b1: Alternating Split Jerk 3x2 at moderate-heavy with 1 sec pause in receiving position.
Start with less strong foot. Heavier than last week
b2: Landmine Row 9,11,13
c: Metcon
Partner Chipper
Break reps up however
80 TTB
80 Thrusters at 95/55lbs
80 Lateral Burpee (MUST JUMP)
Cap 15 mins
d: Cool Down
100m barefoot walk and/or 2min monostructural flush. Aim for nasal breathing
e: Extras
Dual KB OH Press with pause overhead 3x10+
SA DB Bench Press 3x10 p/s. Hold onto rack for support
Band Pull apart Accumulate 100 reps
SA DB OH Tricep 3x10 p/s
f: Stretch
Day 8 of Squat/Hang challenge
8 min EMOM
30 second relaxed squat hold + 20 sec rest (blood back to head) + 10 second passive/active hang/swing/kip
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Plate OH Walking Lunge
10 Plate GTOH
10 Plate Squats
Daily Skill Specific warm up
b: Strength
20 rep Deadlift
c: Assistance
Partner GHR Negatives
d: Metcon
15 min EMOM
30 sec AMRAP: 30 sec off
1: Single KB Front Squat (2 rounds each side)
2: SB Clean to shoulder
3: SA DB OH Walking Lunge 22.5/15 (2 rounds each side)
e: Cool Down
100m barefoot walk and/or 2min monostructural flush. Aim for nasal breathing
f: Extras
Side plank hip raises with weight on hip 3x10 p/s
g: Stretch
Day 9 of Squat/Hang challenge
9 min EMOM
30 second relaxed squat hold + 20 sec rest (get blood back to head) + 10 second passive/active hang/swing/kip
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
Gymnastics bear walk
Crab Walk
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: Gymnastics Open skill prep
15 min EMOM
1: 1-5 MU or Ring MU transition
2: 5-15 KSHPU
3: Rest
c: Metcon
Partner Intervals
For time:
Round for round
2 rounds each
Run 800 or Row 1km
Cap 20 mins
d: Cool Down
100m barefoot walk and/or 2min monostructural flush. Aim for nasal breathing
e: Extras
Reverse tabata L-Sit hold
f: Stretch
Day 10 of Squat/Hang challenge
10 min EMOM
30 second relaxed squat hold + 20 sec rest (get blood back to head) + 10 second passive/active hang/swing/kip
a: Warm Up
Knee tag in game in bear crawl position
2 rounds per side
With KB or DB
6 Hang Snatch
6 FR Alt Reverse Lunge
6 SA Thruster
Daily Skill specific warm up
b: Strength
30 min
Every second minute complete:
5-30 DUs
into 2 TNG squat cleans.
Consistent weight.
c: Cool Down
100m barefoot walk and/or 2min monostructural flush. Aim for nasal breathing
f: Stretch
Day 11 of Squat/Hang challenge
11 min EMOM
30 second relaxed squat hold + 10 second passive/active hang/swing/kip
a: Warm Up
40 Partner facing Wall ball throws
Thoracic Flow
Marrickville Metcon
10 rounds:
90 secs on: 90 secs off
200m run
AMRAP 3 Single KB Hang Clean, 3 SA Front Squats, 3 SA Push Press 24/16
Alternate arms each round
Edgecliff and Bondi Metcon
b: Metcon
Open Prep Intervals
10 rounds
90 secs on:90 secs off
Round 1-5
10 STOH at 115/75lbs
10 Box Jumps
Round 6-10
5 STOH at 135/95lbs
10 Box Jumps
“Fitness”is jumping pullups
Day 12 of Squat/Hang challenge
12 min EMOM
30 second relaxed squat hold + 20 sec rest (get blood back to head) + 10 second passive/active hang/swing/kip