October 8 - 13


a: Warm Up
30m Backwards Walking Lunge
1 min p/s standing hip CARs
30 sec p/s Ankle CARs
6 alternating explosive lunge jumps

b: Strength
b1: Back Squat. 5,5,5+ at 60,70,80%
b2: During first 3 warm up sets, 15 p/s single leg glute bridge

c: Metcon
For time
Alternating DB Snatch 22.5/15 (Rx+ 32.5/20)

Cap: 10 min

d: Cool Down
2 min pigeon


a: Warm Up
10 static inchworm+pushup
1 min seated thoracic CARs (full circle)
1 min p/s shoulder CARs
5 explosive burpee

b: Strength
b1: Push Press 5,5,5+ at 60,70,80%
b2: Superset during first 3 warm up sets, 8 SA DB Row with hand on box. Tempo 2011

c: Barbell Warm Up
5 pause-in-dip push jerk
5 pause-in-catch push jerk

d: Metcon
In pairs
12 min AMRAP
Break reps ups however
Wall Ball 20/14
KB Swing 24/16
STOH 115/75 (Rx+ 135/95)

e: Cool Down
Thread the needle 1 min p/s


a: Warm Up
30m Ido portal Horse Walk
1 min spine CARs


2 rounds:
2 p/s birddog with 5sec hold
20 sec hollow hold/rock


6 (3p/s) SL broad jump into 2 foot landing

b: Strength
Deadlift 5,5,5+ at 60,70,80%

c: Metcon

15 sets (5 rounds): 30 sec AMRAP:30 sec rest
1: Sandbag Front Rack Walking Lunge 22.5/15
2: SA KB Thruster alternating sets of 3
3: SA DB alternating Power Clean (reset at bottom)

d: Cool Down
Half seated frog 1 min p/s


a: Warm Up
20m crab walk
30 sec p/s Wrist CARs
30 sec S-Waves
30 sec pike leg lifts

b: Metcon
32 min EMOM
1: AMRAP Strict MU or AMRAP strict dip/top-ring-hold/ring-pushup
2: Rest
3: AMRAP Kipping TTB
4: Rest
6: Rest
7: AMRAP Bike/rower cals
8: Rest

c: Midline
300 (150p/s) russian twists for time

d: Cool Down
2 min seated shoulder extension


a: Warm Up
30m travelling spiderman lunge
1 min p/s hip CARs
30 sec p/s ankle CARs
6 (3 p/s) kneeling jump to single leg land (or standing SL jump/SL land)

b: Barbell Warm Up
5 Hang Muscle Clean
5 Clean Lift-off
5 Power Clean with pause in receiving position
5 Front Squats

c: Metcon
10 rounds OT3min
5 TNG Power Clean. Scaled 95/65. Rx 135/95
5 Front Squats.
5 burpee box jumps 24/20 (Rx+ 8 Burpee Box Jumps)
SUSTAINABLE round times
Stagger heats 1 min apart

d: Cool Down
2 min twisted lizard


a: Warm Up
Everyone lines side by side in plank position. Push kettlebell underneath from side to side. Perform 3 sets


2 rounds:
10 reverse lunges
10 cossacks
10 twisting bear
5 pike SHSPU

b: Overhead Squat
E2MOM for 10 min (5 sets)
3 OHS (from rack)

c: Metcon
For time:
50 SA DB Hang CJ 22.5/15 (alt sets of 5)
40 Pistols (scale to high box step ups)
30 CTB
20 Dual DB Thrusters
10 Burpee Facing Over Dumbbell (Stack DBs on top of each other)

d: Cool Down

Lying Straddle with feet up wall

Farm Fit

a: Running Warm Up
3 Calf Raises Tempo 5055
10 seconds bunny hops
10 Walking lunge into high knee on toe
10m walking drinking bird
10m (5p/s) traveling side lunge

b: Metcon
20 min AMRAP
200m run (20/15 cal bike)
10 Sandbag CJ
200m run (20/15 cal bike)
10 Strict knee raises
200m run (20/15 cal bike)
10 DB Floor Press

Farm Strength

2 rounds:
Bicep Openers
10 p/s Snatch-grip SL RDL

a: SA DB Push Press 5 heavy sets of 3 each arm

b: In groups of 2.3. 400m HEAVY sandbag carry

c: Decline DB Chest Press 3x10 Tempo 2011