March 19 - 24


Warm Up

a: 2 rounds:

10m Sidewards ape walk + OH

10 scap pullups

10 SB squats with 2 sec pause into 10m SB bear-hug carry

3 squat jumps


Daily Skill specific Warm Up

b: Strength

Back Squat 5,7,9 @ same weights as last week, 80-85% first set

c: In teams of 3-4

10 min rolling clock to accumulate wall balls + team max cals on airbike or rower.

Teammates may perform burpees while waiting for additional reps

Roll through each performing sets of 20-30 secs.

Form teams based on seat height for quick transitions.

Pace at 80-90%.

d: Cool Down Walk

e: 3 min Midline

Hollow Flutter Kick 6 rounds: 20secs on:10 secs off (scale time as needed)

f: Restorative Flow

Supine Lying Knee to chest 10 reps (5 p/s)


Warm Up

a: 2 rounds:

10m Reverse Bear Crawl

10 kip swings

10 Push press with 2 sec pause OH and in dip into 10m FR Walk

3 plyometric push ups


Daily Skill specific warm up

b: Strength

3 sets of Barbell 1 Strict Press + 4 Push Press + 5 Push Jerk @ same weight or slightly heavier than last week

Superset: Dual DB Bent Row 3x12 TUT 48 secs

c: 4 rounds: 2 min on:2 min off


Thrusters 100/65


Burpee Box Jumps

Continue from where you got up to each round

d: Cool Down Walk

e: Midline

Prone Line Hold 6 rounds: 10 seconds on:20 seconds off

f: Restorative Flow

Lying Prone Scorpion Twists 10 reps (5 p/s)


Warm Up

a: 2 rounds:

10m Lizard Crawl

4 hanging hip taps (or side swinging)

10 Dual KB Russian Swing into 10m Farmers Carry


Daily Skill specific warm up

b: Strength


5, 7, 9 (gentle touch, same weights as last week. 80-85% first set)

c: 1 min WOD

15/10 cal schwiin airbike (or 10/7 cal Assault or rower)

AMRAP SA OH Walking Lunge 22.5/15

Rest 1 min

1 min WOD

15/10 cal schwiin airbike (or 10/7 cal Assault or rower)


1 min WOD


15/10 cal schwiin airbike (or 10/7 cal Assault or rower)


d: Cool Down Walk

e: Midline

Side plank pulses 6 rounds (2 p/s): 20 seconds on: 10 seconds off

f: Restorative Flow

Supine Lying Hammy Floss 10 reps per side


Warm Up

a: 2 rounds:

10m Gymnastics Bear Crawl

10 T-Pushups (5 p/s)  (can scale to knees)

1-3 strict pullups (or 1 negative)


Daily Skill specific Warm Up

b: Gymnastics Skill Metcon

27 min EMOM

1: 45 sec row/bike cals

2: 45 sec Box Jumps 24/20 (Open athlete: 15 rep cap each set)

3: Rest

4: 45 sec row/bike cals

5: 45 sec SHSPU or HR Push Ups (Open athlete 10 rep cap each set)

6: Rest

7: 45 sec sec row/bike cals

8: 45 sec CTB (Open athlete 10 rep cap each set)

9: Rest

Open Athlete: Light intensity. Low volume. Execute quality efficient reps.

c: Cool Down Walk

d: Midline

Straddle leg lifts 6 rounds: 10 sec on: 20 sec off

d: Restorative Flow

Supine Lying T Position. Cross Foot to opposite hand.10 reps (5/s)


Warm Up

a: 2 rounds

10m crab walk

10 sec hanging L-sit (or knee tuck)

10 SA DB OH Walking Lunge (1 round each arm)


Daily Skill specific warm up

b: Strength

Hang Power Snatch 10,8,5,3

c: 12 min AMRAP

800m run (or Row 800/600 or bike 80/60 cals)

20 KBS

20 Wall Balls 20/14

Open Athlete: Cruise this WOD

d: Cool Down Walk

e: Restorative Flow

Cat Camel (Angry cat/happy cat) 10 reps


Warm Up

a: 2 rounds:

10 Partner Wall Ball footy passes

10 Partner Wall Ball Thruster throws


Daily Skill specific warm up

b: Strength

Close grip (Front-rack width) Bench Press

2,4,6,8. Start at 85-90% and get 5% lighter each set, Beat 6,8,10 from last week

c: For time:

8 min AMRAP

30 DUs

10 Burpees

Cap: 15 min

d: Cool Down Walk

e: Restorative Flow

Qaudroped to child’s pose 10 reps