Warm Up
a: 2 rounds:
10m Sidewards ape walk + OH
10 scap pullups
10 SB squats with 2 sec pause into 10m SB bear-hug carry
3 squat jumps
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: Strength
Back Squat 3x5 @ moderate
c: In teams of 3-4
15 min rolling clock to accumulate team max cals on airbike or rower.
Roll through each performing sets of 20-30 secs.
Form teams based on same seat height.
Pace at 80-90%.
d: Cool Down Walk
e: Midline
Bicycle crunch 4 rounds: 20secs on:10 secs off
f: Restorative Flow
Supine Lying Knee to chest 10 reps (5 p/s)
Warm Up
a: 2 rounds:
10m Reverse Bear Crawl
10 kip swings
10 Push press with 2 sec pause OH and in dip into 10m FR Walk
3 plyometric push ups
Daily Skill specific warm up
b: Strength
3 sets of Barbell 1 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk @ moderate-heavy
Superset: Dual DB Bent Row 3x8 TUT 32 secs
c: 4 rounds of 2 mins AMRAP: 2 mins off
10 Wall Balls
10 OHS (or front squat) 100/65
10 CTB (Rx+ alternate rounds with 4 Bar MU)
Start from beginning each round
d: Cool Down Walk
e: Midline
Prone Line Hold 4 rounds: 10 seconds on:20 seconds off
f: Restorative Flow
Lying Prone Scorpion Twists 10 reps (5 p/s)
Warm Up
a: 2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
4 hanging hip taps (or side swinging)
10 Dual KB Russian Swing into 10m Farmers Carry
Daily Skill specific warm up
b: Strength
3x10 TNG (light touch) at 60%
c: 1 min WOD
30 DUs (30 sec cap)
AMRAP Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 2 min
1 min WOD
30 DUs (30 sec cap)
AMRAP Dual DB Hang Squat Clean
Rest 2 min
1 min WOD
30 DUs (30 sec cap)
AMRAP Burpees
Rest 2 min
Repeat for a total of 2 rounds
d: Cool Down Walk
e: Midline
Side plank pulses 4 rounds (2 p/s): 20 seconds on: 10 seconds off
f: Restorative Flow
Supine Lying Hammy Floss 10 reps per side
Warm Up
a: 2 rounds:
10m Gymnastics Bear Crawl
10 T-Pushups (5 p/s) (can scale to knees)
1-3 strict pullups (or 1 negative)
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: Gymnastics Skill Metcon
1: 45 sec row/bike cals
2: 45 sec Pistols
3: Rest
4: 45 sec row/bike cals
5: 45 sec KHSPU
6: Rest
7: 45 sec sec row/bike cals
8: 45 sec Ring MU (or Ring Kip Swings + Pull)
9: Rest
Open Athlete: Light intensity. Low volume. Execute quality efficient reps.
c: Cool Down Walk
d: Restorative Flow
Supine Lying T Position. Cross Foot to opposite hand.10 reps (5/s)
Warm Up
a: 2 rounds
10m crab walk
10 sec hanging L-sit (or knee tuck)
10 SA DB OH Walking Lunge (1 round each arm)
Daily Skill specific warm up
b: Strength
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
15 mins to build to moderate single (Open athlete: no more than 80%)
c: 12 min AMRAP
12 Alt DB Snatch 22.5/15
12 SA DB OH Walking Lunge (4 per arm)
12 Lateral Burpee Over DB
400 run (open athletes row/bike)
Open Athlete: Cruise this WOD
d: Cool Down Walk
e: Restorative Flow
Cat Camel (Angry cat/happy cat) 10 reps
Warm Up
a: 2 rounds:
10 Partner Wall Ball footy passes
10 Partner Wall Ball Thruster throws
Daily Skill specific warm up
b: Strength
Close grip (Front-rack width) Bench Press
c: For time:
100 Wall balls
Perform 3 HR Pushups at the top of every minute (including the first)
Cap: 15 min
d: Cool Down Walk
e: Restorative Flow
Quadroped to child’s pose 10 reps