a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
20m Bear Crawl
Hip Flow
2x10 sec mixed grip hang
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
Strength Circuit
15 min
1: Broad Jump 2 reps
2: Front Rack Reverse Lunge (moderate-heavy weight, soft knee touch)
5x10 alt (5 p/s)
3: 6 reps Left arm Single KB FR Squat Tempo 2211 into 30m carry
4: 6 reps Right arm Single KB FR Squat Tempo 2211 into 30m carry
5: Rest
12 min EMOM for total reps
1: 40 sec AMRAP Airbike/Rower cals
2: 40 sec AMRAP Burpee to target
3: 40 sec AMRAP Dual DB Front Squat 22.5/15
4: Rest
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic flush
e: Midline
6 rounds: 20 sec on:10 secs off Bicycle Crunch
f: Restorative Flow
Supine Lying Knee to chest 10 reps (5 p/s)
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
Thoracic Flow
10 Wide grip kip swings
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
Strength Circuit
15 min
1: Barbell Supine Yates Row moderate-heavy, 5 reps Tempo 2011
2: Left arm KB FR hold, Right arm DB OH Strict Press 10 reps, Tempo 1111, TUT 40 secs
3: Right arm KB FR hold, Right arm DB OH Strict Press 10 reps, Tempo 1111, TUT 40 secs
4: S-Waves 40 secs
5: Rest
Partner 10 min AMRAP:
Break reps up however
50 Hang Muscle Snatch 40/25
40 CTB
30 Hang Muscle Snatch
20 CTB
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
e: Midline
3 rounds plank 30 seconds on:30 seconds off (lift one leg + opposite arm for extra challenge)
f: Restorative Flow
Lying Prone Scorpion Twists 10 reps (5 p/s)
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
3 Long Inchworm
10 alt drinking bird into reverse lunge (5 p/s)
10 wide scap pullups with 2 sec pause
Daily Skill Specific Warm Up
Strength Circuit
15 min
1: Barbell Hip Thrust 6 rep @ moderate-heavy, Tempo 1111, shoulders elevated on sandbag
2: Left Leg Dual KB Deadlift 10 reps (not RDL) Tempo 2020, TUT 40 secs
3: Right Leg Dual KB Deadlift 10 reps (not RDL) Tempo 2020, TUT 40 secs
4: Partner GHR 3 reps
5: Rest
EMOM 15min
1: 30 sec AMRAP Airbike/Rower
2: Dual KB Complex: 5 Sumo DL + 4 Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squat + 2 Push Press
3: 30m Sandbag carry
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
e: Midline
6 rounds: 15 secs on:15 secs off
f: Restorative Flow
Supine Lying Hammy Floss 10 reps per side
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
5m Crab Walk
1-3 SLOW strict TTB or knee raises
10-20 sec Prone Line Hold
Daily Skill Specific Warm Up
Gymnastics Circuit
30 min
1: 5-50 DUs
2: WF HS Hold 10-40 secs (add time from last week)
3: Deficit Push Up 2-5 reps, Tempo 1111 (add weight/rep from last week)
4: Feet elevated ring row, 10 reps, Tempo 1111, TUT 40 secs
5: L-Sit/knee tuck on Parallettes/DBs/boxes 5-20sec (add time)
6: Rest
c: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
d: Restorative Flow
Supine Lying T Position. Cross Foot to opposite hand.10 reps (5/s)
a: Warm Up
Tabata alternate exercises
Strict Burpee
Arms OH Walking Lunges
Olympic Lifting Practice
Power Clean
2 reps OTM for 10 mins @ moderate
20 min AMRAP
10 Burpee Box Jumps
20 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (alt sets of 5) 22.5/15
30 SA SB OH Walking Lunge
400m run or 400/300m row
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
e: Restorative Flow
Cat Camel (Angry cat/happy cat) 10 reps
a: Warm Up
In groups of 2-3: 200m Sandbag Carry (break up however)
Daily Skill Specific Warm Up
b: “Optimus Prime"
7 min AMRAP
Wall Balls
Perform 5 deadlifts at the top of every minute
c: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
d: Restorative Flow
Quadroped to child’s pose 10 reps