a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m arms OH Reverse Walking Lunge
5 pause squat jumps
10-20 Pike leg lifts
90/90 PAILs/RAILs
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: Strength
15-20min to complete
b1: Back Squat 2,4,6
(Approx 85-90% for set of 2, then 5-10% lighter each set of squats, beat last week’s 4 and 6)
b2: Box Step Down 10 reps per side (not alternating)
Stand on box, step back and down, light touch of toe to floor and back up. Increase ROM to make harder
c: Metcon
CREATURE Lactic Endurance Test
3 min
Row 400/300m
into AMRAP Barbell facing burpee
d: Cool Down Walk/Aerobic Flush
e: Extras
e1:Pike Leg lifts 2x10-20 reps
e2: Box Step down 2x10 per side
f: Stretch
Front Splits
2 min p/s
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Hand release T-Push Up (5 each side) go to knees if necessary
30 sec S-Wave
6 Spiderman + hammy + Rotation
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: Strength
15-20 min to complete
Strict Press 2,4,6
(Approx 85-90% for set of 2, then 5-10% lighter each set of press, beat last week’s 4 and 6)
DB Chinese Row 3x10 reps per side
c: Metcon
4 rounds
2 min on:2 min off
3 STOH 115/75
6 Hang Power Clean
9 Deadlift
12 Wall Balls 20/14
Continue from where you got up to
Rx+ 135/95
3 Dual DB Push Press 22.5/15
6 Dual DB Hang Power Clean
9 Dual DB Deadlift
12 Wall Balls 20/14
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
e: Extras
e1: Side plank on hand
2x 10-30 seconds each hand
e2: DB Chinese Row 2x10 per side
f: Restorative Flow
Side-Lying Arm+Thoacic Windmill 5 p/s
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
3 Long Inchworm
10 SL Glute bridge (10 p/s)
10-30 sec hanging L-Sit/tuck hold
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: Strength
15-20min to complete
Kneeling jump 3x1 reps
Deadlift 2,4,6
(Approx 85-90% for set of 2, then 5-10% lighter each set of DL, beat last week’s 4 and 6)
Partner GHR 3x4 reps
c: Metcon
Team Grunt Work in teams of 2-3
5 mins on each station
1: Dual KB Hang Snatch or Push Press
2: SB Squats
3: Dual DB Step On Box
d: Cool Down Walk/Aerobic Flush
e: Extras
e1:Hanging L-Sit hold/Knee tuck
2x10-30 sec
e2: Partner GHR 2x3 reps
f: Stretch
Front Splits
2 min p/s
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
5-15 Pike Push Ups (30 sec cap)
30 sec V-Snap
10 scap pullups
OH Flexion PAILs/RAILs on box
Daily Skill Specific Warm Up
b: CREATURE Alactic Testing for 10 mins
b1: 3 attempts to find max wattage on Assault/Schwinn
b2: 2 attempt to find lowest split (m/s) on rower
b3: 1 attempt to find 30 sec max cals on rower
c: Gymnastics Metcon
24min EMOM
1: Run 200 or Schwinn 20/15 cals or Assault 15/10 cals or Row 15/10 cals (45 sec cap)
2: WF HS Hold 10-40 sec (add time to last week)
3: 5-15 TTB (kipping or strict) (30 sec cap) Scale to knees to 90 (add a rep to last week)
4: Rest
5: 30 DUs MAX (save calves from all running and burpees this week)
6: Strict Ring Dip Tempo 2221 (2 down, 2 hold, 1 up, 2 hold) 3x AMRAP minus 1 (scale to ring push up) (add rep to last week)
7: Ring Chin Up Tempo 1112 (2 sec hold chin over rings) 3xAMRAP minus 1 (scale to chin over bar hold) (add rep to last week)
8: Rest
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
a: Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Twisting Bear (Single arm Thoracic Bridge)
10 Cossack
10 Quad stretch+toe touch
Daily Skill specific Warm Up
b: CREATURE Aerobic Capacity Test
5 rounds
Run 1000m
10 burpee pullups
10 Alt DB Snatch 15/10 or (Rx 22.5/15)
10 SA DB Thruster 5p/s
Pullup bar above top of head, Rx pullup bar outside of hand reach)
30 min cap
d: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
a: Warm Up
Russian twist circle. Pass 3 medballs around in circle. 3rounds of 30 seconds.
Daily Skill Specific Warm Up
b: CREATURE aerobic Threshold Test
7 min
Row 1000/800m
into AMRAP
Burpee facing Box Jump Over 24/20
c: 4 rounds AMRAP
2 min on:2 min off
Start each round with 5 Power Snatch at 115/75
6 HR Push Ups
8 KB Swing 24/16
Start each round with 5 power snatch at 136/95
then continue AMRAP
2 MU
8 KB Swing 32/24
“Fitness” Start each round with
5 Dual DB Squat Clean Thruster
then continue AMRAP
4 Strict Pullup or ring row
6 HR Push Ups
8 KB Swing
c: Cool Down Walk and/or Aerobic Flush
d: Restorative Flow
Cat to Camel